Issa:Can you blame me? I mean, how am I supposed to not get turned on by that body?

Well she is right I always had developed muscles, and it's these muscles that cause me headaches most of the time I'm around woman, apparently my daughter's no exception.

But then again, it's no surprise since every night I'm working the kind of job that offers high risks high rewards, either way I'm getting a lot of exercise from it and I ain't complaining.

(Y/N):Come now, body doesn't matter when you're as old as a rock.

Issa:Old my ass, if you're old then why do you get boner's in the morning?

(Y/N):Look I'm old mentally not physically and besides aren't you the one walking around wearing black lingerie.

Issa: I nearly forgot, the student council needs to see you, something about some legal stuff if I remember right.

(Y/N):Probably want to clear some things up, can't blame 'em since the only document I gave 'em was my weapon license.

Issa:Say if you like my sexy panties so much why don't I let you enjoy em to the fullest, want to get wild~?

(Y/N):No, but I am willing to taste that pie you made for me, wonder if it's sweeter than you.

Issa:Oh, stop it, you're making me even hornier than usual.

(Y/N):Yeah I tend to have that effect on woman.

Somewhere in Nevada Academy

I knew this day would come sooner or later the student council ain't that dumb, I would bet my best weapon on them figuring out about my past or at the very least I will only get bombarded with questions revolving around the supernatural, whatever their motives I intend to keep them in the dark, after all I like to think of myself as a nocturnal creature.

Random Girl1:Look, it's Issas father!

Random Girl2:Do you think he's with the terrorist's who tried to blow up the twin towers?

Random Girl3: He looks so scary! Why do you think he carries that rope? Maybe he'll use it on us!

Random Guy1:Hey look the freaks back.

Random Guy2:I heard rumors that he's actually a secret vigilante.

(Y/N):Your classmates are charming as usual.

Issa:*Nervous chuckle* Can you blame 'em? You do look menacing.

(Y/N):I know, that's the whole point. Can't scare someone if you don't look the part.

 Can't scare someone if you don't look the part

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