A visit from beyond the grAve

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⚠️ massive spoiler warning ⚠️

"Oh Spencer.." she heard a familiar voice say, she recognised that voice instantly..

She shot up and rubbed her eyes at what she saw.

"A-Alison?" Spencer said rubbing her eyes as she saw the blonde, standing in her doorway.

Alison walked over slowly and sat on the chair beside Spencer's bed.

"A-Alison.. h-how are you.. here?" Spencer said looking around to see if she was in a dream.

"I'm always here Spencer.. and I know a lot more than you think" Alison said smiling and putting Spencer's loose hair behind her ear. "My sweet sister.. what's going on?" Alison said softly.

"How are you here.. if y-your dead?" Spencer said confused.

"That's a story for another day Spence.." Alison said smiling. "I'm here because I can see your stressed about this whole Toby thing.."

"How do you know about that?" Spencer asked.

"I know a lot of things Spence, I've been watching over you and the girls and checking in on you girls to see if your doing okay" Alison said.

"Alison I really need your opinion, what should I do? Do I tell the girls and risk Toby getting in trouble with the A team? Or do I wait to tell them and let them get mad and probably block me?" Spencer said sitting cross-legged on her bed, facing Alison, desperate for any sort of an answer.

"Spencer the girls will understand.. I'm sure if it was anyone of them in your shoes they'd be thinking the same thing."

"Seriously Alison I need you to tell me what to do" Spencer said, desperately needing Alison to force her to do something.

"Spencer I'm sure it'll work out in the end.. with whatever you choose to do." Alison said. "Get some rest now, I can see you've been struggling to sleep the past few days"

"I feel like I'm going to throw up any second and everything's spinning.." Spencer said, Alison was right, she hadn't slept properly in days...

"Take some deep breathes Spencer, it's okay. What else has been bothering you?" Alison asked softly.

"I'm worried Alison.. I'm worried if I sleep A will find out somehow and come for me.. or even worse they'll hurt Toby.." Spencer said quietly.

"That won't happen.." Alison said, pulling the covers up to Spencer and putting loose strands of her hair, off her face and behind her ears.

"How can you be sure?" Spencer asked worriedly.

"Because.. I won't let it happen. I'll stay here while you sleep. If anything happens I'll wake you up, I promise. Now get some rest" Alison said as Spencer closed her eyes.

"T-Thank you Ali." Spencer said.

"Of course Spence, it's what sisters are for" Alison winked and Spencer quickly drifted off to sleep.

a/n: spoiler warning. yall have been warned ..

Alison sighed. Spencer thought she was hallucinating but little did she know Alison had faked her death too..

She survived when she got buried alive and Mona convinced her the only way to escape A was by running away but she was tired of running away from her problems. She didn't know that if A wasn't targeting her, they'd begin targeting the girls.

Talking with Spencer now, made her realise that she wanted to be there to protect the girls... but how would they forgive her?

She wanted to tell Spencer but she couldn't. She could see how stressed Spencer was already about lying about Toby, and it was to the point where she was sick. The last thing Alison wanted was for her to be more stressed. Alison wanted to take care of her sister, but it had to be from a distance so Spencer didn't know she was alive...


Spencer opened her eyes and stretched as she woke up the following morning. She was feeling a bit better since she got a proper sleep and talked it out with.. Alison? Was that a hallucination??

She remembered Aria had said she saw Alison after her dads girlfriend had drugged her and how Hanna said she saw Alison when she was in hospital..

Emily also said she saw Alison when she was locked in a shed.. and that Alison had dragged her out...

Was it true that all them had seen Alison when they needed her the most?

Was it possible Alison was still alive? If Toby faked his death she could've too..

Spencer decided to forget about it as it was probably a hallucination... right..?

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