As the door of the bathroom shut, the book once again glowed. As pixie dust slowly emit around it, as dramatic as it sounds, there was even a sound when the book opened by itself, and two slightly pointy horn came out of it.

The boy on the bathroom was clueless. Unaware of what was happening on his bedroom, while he proceed to clean himself while singing along to the song playing on the background from his phone.

A few minutes later, the sound of the shower finally turned off, meaning, Jisung was finally down showering and was now probably brushing his teeth

The brunette softly hummed on the previous song that he was listening to; opening the bathroom door as he step off the bathroom then to his room.

He stopped on his tracks, along with his humming. Noticing the figured standing on the side of his bed, near his study table.

Jisung slowly look up with a smile, still on his face. Staring at the beautiful long haired man with golden eyes with a tail and two white horns on his forehead.

Silence filled the room as Jisung slowly realized what was happening.

A dragon was in his room. A beautiful dragon in a human form with pretty golden eyes.

As much as Jisung wanted to stay calm he couldn't, leading him to let out a loud scream. The dragon rolled his eyes, slightly swaying his fingers infront of Jisung, gold dust coming out of his hands then towards the brunette and shutting his mouth.

Eyes widened, as Jisung panic again, confused on why no matter how he tries, he couldn't hear his own voice.

The dragon infront of him let out a sigh, catching Jisung's attention.

"Can you please calm down, so I can introduce myself?" He asked. Jisung was stunned. His voice was quite deep, but also soft.

The dragon was right, he should calm down even tho his heart was about to come out of his chest.

The brunette nodded his head and stood still. "Oh thank god." He murmured and once again swayed his fingers, a chair appearing behind Jisung, pushing it slightly behind him using his magic, making the boy sit down.

The dragon himself then sat down on Jisung's soft mattress. Legs crossed as he stare at the human infront of him with his siren like golden eyes.

"Now... I'm Hwang Hyunjin. And as you may have already guessed, I am a dragon. And the book that you picked..." He paused, picking up the book beside him and lifting it up, " my book. It holds everything and I mean EVERY information about me. If it gets lost and gets in the wrong hands. Stuff might happened, the world either gets destroyed or I die. So be careful not to lose it, got that?"

When the dragon- Hyunjin had finished talking, Jisung was dumbstruck. Everything was just too much to take in, how did the dragon even get here? And what does he mean by the world gets destroy or he dies when it gets on the wrong hands?

"______-" Jisung said something forgetting that he was still mute. Hyunjin tilted his head on his side, confused on what the human was trying to say.

Eyes slowly widened, the dragon then let out a quite loud giggle.

"Oh god- wait I'm sorry... I forgot that you're still mute," Hyunjin wiped the tear that formed on the corner of his eyes, swaying his right hand, undoing the spell that he gave Jisung.

"-and what about- oh. I can hear my voice now!!" He cheered. The dragon cleared his throat, once again catching the humans attention, "I'm sorry what were you saying?" He asked, feeling apologetic.

An Accidental Contract || HyunSung || Ongoing Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon