You sighed and put your phone away as Rebecca started talking to you, "Still not talking to you?"

You shook your head and started gently swinging forwards again. 

"Damn Y/N.. I'm sorry, but it's obvious he doesn't like you anymore.. you need someone who actually wants you and who cares about your wellbeing.."

"I know.. but it's just so hard to leave him.. I don't know where I'd even start."

"I can help you with that." Rebecca gave you a reassuring smile.

You smiled back and nodded.

"Hey you two me and Y/N are gonna have a private talk so we'll be back in a bit, but if you need us for anything we'll be next to the climbing frame."

Chris and Jill both nodded as you and Becca went over to the climbing frame.

About an hour and a half  had gone by and you and Rebecca were still talking about how you should tell Jacob you don't want to be with him anymore. You had a pretty good idea of what you were going to say to him and you thanked Rebecca and you both walked back to Chris and Jill.

You all started talking to each other again but you were now thinking about what would happen when you saw Jacob, would he take it well or not? You had no idea.. But you were certain about telling him now, you were going to go back to your apartment and tell him after helping Wesker and Birkin with the new case. 

Time skip to when you and Rebecca were at Raccoon orphanage.


"You're on time?"


"Well let's get to work then."

Rebecca followed Wesker into the orphanage while you stayed behind to look around outside a bit.

You looked around and saw Birkin talking to chief irons. There were a few other police officers at the scene. You sighed as you rubbed your eyes and went over to one of the officers, "Hey excuse me can I see the camera footage?" The man nodded and walked you inside and to the security office, you thanked him and logged onto the computer.

After watching the footage you felt like something was off, the lighting of when both of the victims exited the building looked the exact same yet when you looked at the deleted files it said the footage was actually nine hours apart? Because when you saw Andres on the original file you could see it was clearly daytime but when Marie could be seen it was night time as the recordings were from two completely different times: 10:00am and 7:00pm.

You wondered why they would change the footage to make it look like they had exited at the same times  when they didn't... Was it to throw the police off? Because if so then it's sadly worked.

You sighed and kept looking through the deleted files. You now knew that the footage had been tampered with so you kept poking around to see if you could find anything else, and funnily enough you did.

On a footage tape from a few days ago showed that Marie was talking with someone. You couldn't see the other woman's face at first because of the camera angle, you stopped the recording and pulled up the footage of when Andres came out of the building and you could see the exact same woman though this time she was waiting at the front gate. You zoomed in on both recordings and enhanced the images. 

Your eyes widened as you knew instantly who it was.

Chloe??How the fuck. Oh no.. This is bad.. really fucking bad. If she knows that I live here and that i work for STARS I'm fucked.. she'll end up telling umbrella and I'll end up getting tested on. Again. Wait, I did tell Becca I would tell her what happened with my dad some other time.. maybe now's the time.. because I can't turn this in for fucks sake! If they go and find Chloe they'll most likely bring her to the station and will ask me to interrogate her, then I'll definitely be fucked because she won't keep her mouth shut about that.

Ah fuck! Umbrella is behind this. I'll stay quiet for now and won't report anything until I speak to Rebecca.. I might be acting selfish as I can probably find these people but.. I can't risk being taken in again. 

You copied the files from the computer and sent it to your email. You got the notification from your phone then you saved both of the files, then deleted your email from the computer and the files you had sent to yourself. 

You got up and went into the classrooms to see if you could find anything that belonged to Marie. After a while you gave up as you found nothing, you went outside and sat down on a wooden bench next to the gate.

You looked at your phone to see if Jacob had replied yet, but still nothing. You were scrolling threw your messages as you saw someone walking towards you, Wesker. You looked up and smiled at him.

"May I sit?"

You nod your head as he sits down beside you. You shove your phone in your pocket and lean back against the wall.

"So I'm assuming you haven't find anything?"

"No we haven't nothing was left behind, no fingerprints and no evidence of foul play."

"Yeah there was nothing on the tapes either.. They literally disappeared without a trace."

"Seems that way.. I'll keep looking into it for now but without anything to go off of there's not much that we can do.."


You pull your phone back out and look at the time, it was  now 7:08pm.

"Sir I'm going to leave now if that's alright... I have something I need to do."

Wesker nods and you start leaving the orphanage.

 I hope Jacob will understand why I'm breaking up with him..

Poisoned minds (Albert Wesker and William Birkin X  fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now