Ch. 11: A Change in Plans

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Andrew's eyes narrow. "What do you mean, pushy? Did he put his hands on you?"

"No, nothing physical. Well, he did put his hand on my arm, but he didn't grab me or anything."

"Did he touch you anyplace else besides your arm?"

"No. But he was persistent. He didn't back off until someone stepped in."

Andrew sighs. "I don't like that, obviously, but it could have just been a case of mixed signals. Two single people in a club."

I nod. "I realize that, and I don't want to overstate it. But something about him just seemed off."

Andrew pauses, still pressing his fingertips together, then puts his hands down, leaning forward on the desk.

"Let me tell you what I know about Dylan Barclay. He's a very well respected up and coming young lawyer at a top securities law firm. He wants to join a firm with a more varied practice in business law, while still focusing himself on SEC cases. He comes from a well-connected, wealthy Miami family. He would be an asset in bringing in and retaining business. In fact, he's assured me that his entire book of business will come with him."

"So why is he leaving his current firm?"

"Like I said, he feels limited practicing in a boutique setting that only handles securities law. To be honest, I thought that the securities law expertise could be an asset in establishing us in the white collar criminal law area. There's a potential for considerable cross-over."

"You know I want the prerogative of selecting new hires for the criminal law section." And there is absolutely know way I want this guy working in my department.

Aside from how pushy he was at the club, there's just something off about him. He's got this smooth veneer to him that makes me think it's covering something devious underneath.

"And I agreed to that. Dylan would not be joining the criminal law section. Are you going to tell me having a top notch securities lawyer in-house wouldn't be an asset to you in certain white collar criminal cases?"

"Obviously it would."

I want to tell him it's something more than just what happened at the club. A guy instinct. But I just don't have anything concrete to back up my wariness where Dylan Barclay is concerned. And I can tell already my grandfather is a man who deals in facts, not feelings.

"Did he know who you were when he met you?"

If he had, maybe that would change my grandfather's mind. But I can't lie.

"No," I tell him. "But that shouldn't matter. When a woman says no, you back off."

Andrew leans back in his chair. "Back in my day sometimes no meant maybe and maybe meant yes." He gets one look at my face at this statement and raises his hand up to cut off the retort I'm planning to this ridiculous misogynistic comment. "I know, I know. Times have changed."

"No always means no. And I don't like the idea of practicing with a man who doesn't respect that 100%."

He gives a short laugh. "Now I'm not sure if you're talking about me or Barclay. I hear you, Hadley. But unless you can give me something more than this guy was a little too persistent at a nightclub, I think I'd be foolish to let him go to one of our competitors. I do promise to keep an eye on him, and remind HR to make sure they emphasize that sexual harassment training. But that's the best I can do unless you've got information that he's actually crossed the line between aggressive and harassing."

I have to consciously stop myself from clenching my fists.

"No," I say, "he didn't. But I can't get it out of my head that this guy has an issue with boundaries."

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