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While alexa was browsing the social media, Something caug
ht her attention,it was an alert about never going to the woods that's near Street 211, Alexa was kind of intrested so she texted the writer of alert, she wrote"Hello, I was wondering about your latest post, so why shouldn't we go to the woods near street 211?, I'm just intrested about these kind of things,Thank you.".She closed her phone,moments later her mother called her to come and have lunch,she went downstairs and ate at the dining room.


after she finished she told her parents that she's going to her room,           after that she went upstairs excited about seeing what had the person said, she opened her phone and saw that the person had replied"don't ask too many questions,just go and search about it on google." She thought the person was kind of rude but she ignored it and went to search about it on google, she discovered that there was a ghost there, It was a guy who had died 19 years ago in the same woods that she was searching about, there was another alert that said"If you hear whistling, just run out of the woods and never turn back".Alexa actually believed  in ghots so she was kind of scared but she wanted to there so bad, but she couldn't go alone because if something happens to her no one would rescue her. She thought about asking her friends to go with her, it was a good idea. She asked her friends, some of them were excited and the other were scared but all of them agreed to go with her to the woods. They planned to meet at 9:00 at Alexa's house.


All of them were at Alexa's house, they were 6 ( With Alexa ), They got ready and went to the woods, when they entered, there was a sign that said " welcome to death " with blood on the sign, all of them freaked out but one of them said: " we can't just give up! We are going to do this !. " another one said : " lets just go back ! " but the others weren't even hesitant about entering. They went inside, it was so dark they couldn't even see eachother !. They sat on the ground with fire in the middle. One of them said "Its time for horror stories!" They suddenly heared something behind them, the sound was so scary ! They turned around to see that it was just one of there silly friends who decided to prank them. They wanted to here stories so they just laughed and ignored it. They started telling stories.


They were done telling stories, so they decided to explore to the place, but they didn't know that it was one of the things that they would regret...
While they were exploring the place, Alexa found some clothes, they looked very old, Alexa and her friends were freaked out !. One of them said : " its probably the dead guy's clothes "

hile they were talking and exploring, They suddenly heared whistling!, Turns out it was just there friend making fun of them and recording there halarious reaction, they kinda got mad but they forgot about it when they heared whistling again, Alexa said: Gosh don't you guyd get tired of pranking us? Its not funny anymore!. But all of them said they don't even know how to whistle, all of them were freaked out and wanted to get out of this place, Alexa started running and so did the others. They escaped from the woods, but they couldn't escape the feelings of the ghost following them everywhere.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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