chapter eleven

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Lara was sitting in the master bedroom of their vacation home in the Tuscany. She was starring at herself in the mirror, after she blow dried her hair. She already finished her make up and only had to choose a dress as Ronnie ran inside of the bedroom. "I am faster than dad" exclaimed the 4 year old and his Dad entered the room behind him. "No, i wasn't even running fast, little man" Ronnie jumped on the bed and Phil quickly picked him up, while Lara laughed watching her favourite people. "Come on Ronnie, we have to go get dressed for our dinner" Phil threw his son over his shoulder and left the room as fast as he entered. Lara sighed and opened the closet and choose a white dress with roses, she had this feeling about tonight. Something was about to happen. Something that makes her want to stay home and not leave bed. Something bad. She put the dress on and like the cliche wants it she couldn't reach the zipper. Lara sighed and sat down on her bed waiting for Phil to return, so he could zip her up. Which happened a few moments later. "Need any help?" asked her boyfriend "Zip me up?" asked his girlfriend and he smiled as he walked over to her. "You look gorgeous" Phil kissed her shoulder before he zipped up the dress. "Thank you, you not so bad yourself" she blushed "I am not even finished dressing" joked Phil, since he was still wearing his T-Shirt. Lara chuckled at Phil's playful remark and leaned in to give him a quick kiss. "Well, even in a T-shirt, you still manage to look incredibly handsome," she said with a grin. Phil returned the kiss, his eyes sparkling with affection. "You always know how to make me feel good, babe," he replied, his voice filled with genuine warmth. He turned around to pick up his bottom up from the bed. He knew dam well that Laras eyes were glued on him, but acted like it was nothing. "Now, let's get ready for this dinner, shall we? Ronnie is waiting downstairs" "We shall" she smiled. As they made their way to the restaurant, Lara couldn't shake off the feeling of anticipation and nervousness. The atmosphere around them felt different, charged with an unspoken energy. Phil carried Ronnie on his shoulders and they poked so happy which made Lara feel bad for thinking something bad would happen. Dinner was a delightful affair, filled with laughter and delicious Italian cuisine. Ronnie, their little bundle of joy, entertained everyone with his amusing stories and contagious laughter. The evening passed by in a blur of joy and love, and soon it was time to leave the restaurant. The went on a walk around the beach with Ronnie always running somewhere in front of them. Phil and Lara were just walking hand in hand while watching their son and the beautiful sunset. "It's so beautiful here" smiled Lara and all her worries from earlier were gone. "Not as beautiful as you" he spun her around. "DAD can we climb on the rocks" "sure buddy" Phil let go of Lara's hand and picked El Wey up and on his shoulders before taking his girlfriend hand again. They climbed on the rocks and sat down again watching the sunset. "Don't go too close to the sea" warned Lara as Phil let Ronnie down. "Dad I wanna take a picture" "sure" Phil gave him his phone and Ronnie stepped on a higher rock and filmed. Lara didn't know that he would film her and Phil instead of the sunset. Somehow Ronnie also got his mother to play You are in love by Taylor Swift. He loved that song since it was the song which his parents called THEIR SONG because they danced to in on their prom. "You know, Lara," he began, his voice filled with emotion, "these past few years with you and Ronnie have been the best of my life. You've shown me a love and happiness I never thought possible. Ever since the day I first met you, my life has been filled with joy, love, and incredible moments that I love so deeply. The day you walked into that classroom when we were 16 and I just knew you were the one. We have shared countless experiences, overcome challenges, and grown together in ways I never thought possible. we have remained steadfast and dedicated to each other, and I am more grateful for that than words can express. I knew back then over 6 years ago that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I just knew that one day I would do this." Lara's breath caught in her throat as she watched Phil getting on one knee. Time seemed to stand still as "you keep his shirt. He keeps his word" played. With trembling hands, Phil pulled out a beautiful ring, its diamond sparkling in the moonlight. "Elara Kane, will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?" Tears welled up in Lara's eyes as she nodded, unable to find her voice. Phil's smile widened, and he slipped the ring onto her finger, sealing their love and commitment in that magical moment. "OMG, yes, Phil" she hugged him "I love you so much" he wiped her tears away and kissed her "I love you so much more" "AHH I FILMED EVERYTHING" yelled Ronnie trying to get down from his rock "of course you did" Phil picked Ronnie up and the small family sat down to finally rest and watch the sunset in peace.

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