Brothers best friend-L.H

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It all started when my older brother Quinn introduced me to his best friend, Y/N. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew there was something different about her. Y/N was the kind of girl who exuded confidence and warmth, with a smile that could light up a room. She had a way of making everyone feel comfortable around her, including me.

As days turned into weeks, my admiration for Y/N grew stronger. I found myself daydreaming about her and wondering what it would be like to spend more time with her. She had this infectious laugh that could make even the gloomiest day seem brighter. Her presence brought a sense of joy and excitement into my life that I couldn't explain.

One sunny afternoon, as my mother Ellen prepared a delicious lunch for us, I found myself stealing glances at Y/N, who was engrossed in a conversation with Quinn. I sighed wistfully, knowing that my feelings were futile. How could someone like Y/N ever notice me, the younger brother?

Mom must have noticed my longing gaze because she shot me a mischievous smile and said, "Luke, could you do me a favor and bring some plates to the table? Y/n could you help Lukey too?"

Curious, I nodded and gathered the plates, setting them down on the dining table. I took a seat next to Y/N, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement bubbling inside me.

Ellen cleared her throat, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "You know, I've been thinking... Y/N, you and Luke spend so much time together when you come over. Don't you think it's about time you two got to know each other even better?"

Y/N's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and a soft blush tinted their cheeks. "Um, well, I... I suppose that could be nice," she stammered.

Ellen beamed, satisfied with Y/N's response. "Excellent! Luke, why don't you show Y/N around the neighborhood? It'll be a great chance for you two to bond."

I looked at Y/N, my heart pounding in my chest. "Would you like that?" I managed to ask, hoping that my eagerness didn't betray my feelings.

Y/N's smile widened, and she nodded eagerly. "I'd love to, Luke."

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