>Chapter 8 :I've decided<

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Tip:is a 悪魔! Not鬼!

Place:Kaneko household>your room
Time:4:34 p.m.

From what you've experienced through out with your "trip" .you felt an urge to join the crops, but at the same time you feel it was also a dangerous decision too

What about Fuyuko?
What about grandma?
What about the house?
What about Tamayo-san and Yushiro?
What about my future in this place will be?
What kind of breathing style I will learn?
Or create?
Which trainer I should go to?

You sighed, knowing that non of the people could train you, or Fuyuko, Fuyuko?

Why did you want to bring her?

Yeah why?
She's not that kind of people...
But I would ask her anyways
But she's still young...

You got out from your chair, heading towards the living room

"Dear, are you alright? You seemed exhausted Grandma was first who mentioned, followed by Fuyuko who also stated out how mentally tired you looked

"Y/n-san... you came back not just a day ago.... and went through much... you should rest " Fuyuko's worried expression is on her face, she frowned

"I... I want to become a demon slayer.... to avenge... the humanity" you finally letting it out, your heart didn't felt that heavy as a rock now

"Y/n dear... I respect your decision... but are you really sure about this? You might hurt yourself"Grandma spoke out, even though she have met few demon slayers, who use to stay at here for few days, but their injuries make her feel painful.

"Hm, I've decided. Fuyuko, it wasn't nice to ask you but if you want to join me as well"you turn to Fuyuko, who's eye stared at you in a aware

"E-eh?" The young one stuttered

"Well... I need to explain more further, you're only a 10 years old, what I meant to say is when you're 14, I will leave to join the demon slayer crops. Maybe it was not the best decision but... I felt the sense of rage, in my heart you spoke firmly

".... I don't know what my future would be... but if you're going to stay will me then I will..."

No matter where y/n-san go, I will follow her path. She's the light who guided me out of the darkness. She's my Saviour, the one who teach me how to express my true emotions even though Akane-sensei does it sometimes. Y/n-san is the only one I could speak my secrets with...

Place:Mount Sagiri
Time: ○○:○○

You're watching one- no, three kids were having their training, how did you get here anyways? It was weekend, which means you're totally free! So you can get there by-

"AHHHHHHHH SAAAABIIITOOOOOOO" you heard a loud shout from a dark blur haired kid, the one that you've 'save him that day'

Then, a loud water splash could be heard


Not surprised, I've seen this before



You actually let a a small laugh, without anyone knowing

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