"Yeah they haven't quite come to terms with the fact that I'm gay even after I told them. It seems them knowing they have zero chance with me doesn't deter them at all." Hyunjin said laughing.

"Our friend Minho has a similar problem, except that instead of women flocking to him, it's narcissistic fuckboys." Felix said.

"It wouldn't be so bad if he would just stop trying to date them. Me and Chan are always telling him that one day he's going to keep letting himself get hurt by these douches until he ends up bitter and alone. Hopefully one day he will learn how to pick the right guy." Changbin said, sitting down beside Felix at the bar.

"Seems we have a lot in common, tell me more about this Minho, is he currently single?" Hyunjin asked, nudging Felix.

"Perpetually. But as much as I love him, I wouldn't recommend you trying to date him. Changbin said one day he's going to end up bitter but I would say he is already well on his way there. I think he needs to be alone for a while till he can figure out what he really wants." Felix said.

"Oh, I was mostly joking. I'm not trying to get you to set me up with one of your friends." Hyunjin said, laughing.

"I hear you, but I'm curious, what is the usual type of guy you go for?" Felix asked.

"I guess buff, gym bro kind of guys are usually what I like, honestly kind of like Changbin." Hyunjin said, chuckling.

Changbin's ears perked up hearing his name but so did Seungmin's. Seungmin was turned away from them as he cooked but when he heard Hyunjin talking about his type, he began to listen more closely. He glanced down at his slim frame and thin arms.

"Oh then you actually might be more interested in our friend Chan! He works out like crazy with Changbin all the time and he's actually single." Felix said, making eye jabs at Changbin.

"He's a great dude, you should meet him sometime!" Changbin said, grabbing Felix's hand to stop his death stare.

"Is he that great though?" Seungmin asked as he set down a tray of fruit on the countertop in front of the three of them.

"What? How can you say that? He's your friend too!" Changbin said.

"Yeah of course but he's not exactly Mr. Right when it comes to dating. He's kind of going through his hoe phase right now. Sleeping around a lot." Seungmin said.

"Well there's nothing wrong with that, could have some fun." Hyunjin said, lifting his eyebrows.

Seungmin's entire demeanor changed like the flip of a switch, his face dropped and Felix immediately noticed, feeling so stupid for not catching on to his quiet vibes before.

"Nah, Seungmin is right, Channie is probably not the best match for you." Felix said.

"Yeah probably not but Chan is hot." Changbin said, nudging Hyunjin and winking.

Felix pursed his lips and shot Changbin a look to shut up.

"Thanks but I was just joking around, my last meaningless hook up really imploded my life so I think I'm okay to just be by myself for now." Hyunjin said, rubbing his neck nervously.

A small smile formed in the corner of Seungmin's mouth as he brought the food over to the table.

They all sat around the round table and dug in. "Seungmin! This is really good!" Hyunjin said, through a mouthful of food.

"Yeah this is the one dish he can make, I tried teaching him how to cook countless times but he's so annoying in the kitchen. I don't know how someone who has no idea what he is doing could still manage to try and take charge." Felix said laughing.

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