•.Game Time.•

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Sitting on top of a desk in an empty classroom was a pink-haired boy. He looked outside at the front field of the high school, watching other kids his age socialize. He couldn't make out any faces from the window, he was sitting a few stories up.

A brunette boy walked into the classroom and settled himself onto a chair belonging to the desk the pink-haired boy sat on.

"I hate everyone." The pink-haired boy-Taehyun-muttered as he watched a group of boys surround a boy into a shed.

"Except me right?" The brunette- Huening Kai asked playfully.

"Especially you."

The brunette chuckled before holding out his hand in a fist. The one on the desk reciprocated the action. Kai held his hand out in a fist and Taehyun held his out flatly. Taehyun smirked in victory and handed Kai his backpack before jumping down onto the floor and ruffling the boy's hair. Kai grabbed both backpacks, carrying them to their first class.

On the way to their class, the halls started to fill with students rushing to their first class of the day. The school was big so students had to rush if they wanted to get to their class on time. The pink and brunette duo walked through the crowded hallways, getting bumped into slightly at times. Once they made it to their class, they both settled down in their desks next to each other.

Roll call started soon after their teacher, Mr. Kim, walked into the room.

"Yunah"  Mr Kim called out.







"Present" The pink-haired boy responded.

A few chuckles were heard when Taehyun responded with a more formal response to the roll call.


"Here" The brunette boy called out.

Taehyun kicked the younger's leg to get his attention. Kai looked over to see Taehyun pointing subtly at the classroom door. He looked over towards the door and started laughed loudly at the sight of Beomgyu, Yeonjun's boyfriend, in the door window waving widely to get someone's attention.

"Huening, why are you laughing?" Mr. Kim questioned the boy. The boy immediately pointed over at the door. Kai heard Taehyun mutter "Snitch." so Kai muttered back "Bitch."

Mr. Kim walked over to the door and opened it, giving Beomgyu a blank stare. "Shouldn't you be in class Choi?" Beomgyu stared sheepishly at Mr. Kim for a moment before nodding, clearly embarrassed. The younger responded quickly, "Junnie forgot his backpack at my house so I came here to drop it off..." He gave Mr. Kim the backpack and wandered off, presumably towards his own first hour class.

The class looked over towards Yeonjun, the star player of the school's soccer team, blushing and trying to hide his face. Almost everyone let out 'oohs and whistles.

"You were at his house?"

"Ya! What'd you guys do?"

"Yeonjun's too cute for Beomgyu..."

Many whispers and yells were heard before Mr. Kim started the class lesson for the day. Kai whispered under his breath, "I wonder who tops..."

Kai got slapped by Taehyun's book.


Taehyun and Kai walked towards their schools soccer field a few hours after schools ended for Taehyun's soccer game, the two parting once they arrived. Kai walking towards the bleachers and Taehyun rushing towards the locker room.

Kai sat down after finding a free spot and took out his Nintendo switch, beginning his game on the electronic before he felt someone sit down directly next to him, thighs touching. He looked up to see an unfamiliar blonde smiling at him widely, his dimples showing.

"I play too. Can we play together until the game starts?"

This was unexpected because usually he'd get made fun of by others because he's apparently 'too old for this'.

He shyly nodded and exchanged usernames with the boy. He watched the boy as he brushed a few strands out of his eyes and pouted when the hair moved back towards the previous spot in his eyes. Kai stared when he saw the dimples pop out on the males cheeks.

He froze once he looked back up into the blondes eyes, noticing the said boy looking back at him. "I'm soobin. You're Kai right?"

Kai's eyebrows raised in confusion, no one ever knew his name, he was usually known as 'Taehyun's foreigner friend'. None the less he still nodded, affirming Soobin's question.

"I'm not a stalker I just have class with you. Third period biology with Mr. Jung." He said, almost as if he knew Kai was curious at how he got his name right.

Kai felt himself giggle. He felt a little guilty he hadn't known that the male was in his class. He watched as the blonde smiled at him again before starting the game.

"I'm pretty good at video games. Try to keep up."




Soobin and Kai had been playing on their Nintendos for around 15 minutes- still waiting for the soccer game to start. Kai had come to learn that Soobin was a sore loser. In a funny way though.

They were screaming at this point and were being stared at by everyone else who had come to watch this soccer match but the pair couldn't care less at this point. Kai had turned off his Nintendo and grabbed Soobin's. He started listing off his points and adding them up- trying to make a point that he won but was interrupted by the blonde.


Huening Kai just stopped and starred at the boy before cackling once he realized the other was serious.

"Are you serio-" his question was interrupted by screaming on the other side of the bleachers. The two boys looked over to see Beomgyu standing up and waving his arms wildly in the air along with his friends, cheering for Yeonjun.


That's when the pair realized the soccer team were walking onto the field, looking as serious as possible. Yeonjun, being the team captain, looked the most intense and intimidating. Well he did before he saw Beomgyu and waved back with both hands, smiling like an idiot.

"I hate that couple." Kai heard Soobin mutter. The sentence surprised him.

"I disagree. I think those two are kind of cute." The younger replied.

The pair just looked at the field silently before they heard the announcer start talking.

Game time.


One dream~Kai 🫶🏼


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