Chapter 2 Not Going Good

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I looked up and no one was in the room anymore I tried to ignore it but then something was tugging on my shirt. But soon that tugging turned into forcefully pulling, and it was pulling me towards none other than a mirror. I was almost at the mirror just barely holding onto the teachers desk fighting the force of the wind like substance. I wasn't going to let go until I saw the room crumbling around me, I tearfully let go going into the force of the mirror. I thought I was going to break the mirror and die from the darkness but surprisingly I went right through the mirror and into my third class, Room 6. In Room 6 I was in my seat with a colouring sheet ahead of me on the desk. While looking around I saw that my teacher was gathering our class to the mat so I quickly put the sheet where I remembered my tote tray being and sitting down.  While my teacher was talking I saw my friend from my last 2 classes walking by the toilets so I asked to go toilet and got permission to go so I ran and put my hand on his shoulder when he slowly turned around and...

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