Chapter four

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"We told you she's asleep mum." (y/n) let out a soft groan when hearing voices outside the bedroom. The three of them had gone to bed together but now neither twin slept beside her.

"Resting? She sees my son getting injured and thinks it's the perfect time to sleep?" It was Molly. (y/n) shot up in the bed, hair a mess and scrambled to put something on. Especially because she was naked, covered in bite marks, not to mention to two handprints on her arse cheeks.

"Wouldn't you feel unwell if seeing someone you know getting hurt," George said back and (y/n) used her wand to make her clothes float in the air helping her aching limbs put them on swiftly.

"No, I would try to work out the problem not lounge around. Let's not forget the scattered clothes along this apartment all this girl does is distract the two of you and..."

"Mum I told you what happened it's nothing like that." Fred barked back. But it was of course exactly what Molly Weasley thought. (y/n) fixed up her hair somewhat peaking closer to the door.

"Maybe I should check on her." Fleur? (y/n) only thought Molly was here.

"No, she..." But before the twins could make up an excuse (y/n) opened the door.

"(y/n)," Fleur said flinging her arms around her for dear life. "I was so worried when Bill told me what happened. I'm so sorry you had to see that." (y/n) smiled a little awkwardly when seeing also Bill and Mr Weasley in the flat.

"They just came here after Bill told them what happened," George whispered and (y/n) gave a small nod. It must have been past five then if he was off work.

"And to think you three knew for hours and didn't say anything." Molly huffed out.

"Molly dear even if they were to tell us what could we do? Bill said it happens at Hogwarts so it can't be for at least a few months now." Arthur tried to reason with her but Molly stomped over to (y/n). Not moving afraid for her life Molly pointed a finger at her.

"If my son gets hurt I'll blame you." All the men in the room went wide-eyed.

"Blame (y/n) are you mental?" Fred shouted trying to walk up to (y/n) but Molly turned to him.

"Yes she's seen it and no doubtingly knows how to fix it."

"You're just looking for someone to blame because you're scared Mum. She's told us what will happen but we can change it because of her." George said back and Molly gripped onto her shirt.

"Molly dear if (y/n) didn't say anything they it would happen but with her help we now have a chance to fix it." Fleur saw (y/n) shaking and held onto her hand. It distracted her for a moment but not long after she sucked in a breath walking forward towards the door.

"Love, where are you going?" George asked but she didn't stop to explain herself. Anyone in this room knew Molly was being too harsh to stick around to listen. Even if Molly didn't like her because of (y/n)'s relationship with the twins she knew Molly only acted like this due to worry.

"See what you've done. All (y/n) has done is help our family and you treat her like shit!" Fred shouted while (y/n) started her descent down the stairs.

"I'm only worried about my family," Molly said back and Fred scoffed.

"Yeah and the one way to fix everything just left the room. I wouldn't even know I was going to be..." (y/n) stopped walking. They agreed not to mention just yet about Fred's death in the war because of the stress it would bring everyone.

"Fred don't," George spoke quickly.

"What has she seen?" (y/n) held her breath now seeing the flashes again, his lifeless body covered in dust. The look on Percy's face. A lump caught  in her throat. It was normal to forget from time to time. Try and push the feeling away but (y/n) often saw it when Fred looked her way or smiled.

"I die in the battle of Hogwarts. (y/n) saw it last year." She didn't want to hear any more and went into the joke shop. No one was around so she went through quietly without a single noise into Diagon Alley. It was just dark out and shops were starting to close.

"See ya tomorrow." Samantha? (y/n) saw her best friend not too far from her and they looked to one another for a second. "(y/n)? What are you doing alone?" If she stuck around she knew there would be questions from Mr and Mrs Weasley, more berating and a sick feeling in her stomach.

"Can we talk in the ice cream shop?" Sarah frowned but nodded just as Fred and George came out from the shop. Sarah took hold of her friend's hand opening back up the store.

"You go inside," Samantha said just as Fred and George came running over. "No, you don't. I'm not sure what happened but clearly, she needs someone to talk to." She extended her arms out blocking the doorway, (y/n) went to say something, it really wasn't their fault and she wasn't angry with them at all.

"Alright. We'll be back in half an hour." George sighed grabbing Fred's shoulders.

"And I still won't let you in." Samantha huffed shutting the door with a bang. Her face changed immediately to a smile.

"So what did those bastards do?"

"It wasn't them. It's their mother." Samantha blinked then gasped going to look out the shop window seeing the twins walking back to their store with a group of people waiting outside.

"You could have mentioned that before I kicked them out." She whispered before seeing the look (y/n) had. "What did she say?" So she went on to explain everything including the death of Fred which she told herself not to mention but couldn't stop herself. Samantha stopped and gaped at her and the stock turned into anger.

"I just slammed the door on a dead man walking!?" (y/n) tried to laugh but it didn't really work.

"That's all you got from that?" The ice cream shop door opened and Fred stood there rubbing the back of his neck.

"We got everyone to leave." Samantha stood quickly going up to fred.

"You can have free ice cream for life. Sorry, I slammed the door on you I thought you two were being assholes or something." After a few minutes of Samantha rambling and giving them large scoops of IceCream they left with two tubs for the freezer.

"I'm guessing you told Sam everything," Fred asked and (y/n) nodded still feeling guilty for saying anything. "Well, free ice cream is a good deal." She laughed a little and Fred nudged her side. "I know you're still worried about it and mum isn't helping but we'll work it out." George was at the door of the joke shop and went right in to hug (y/n).

"I'm so sorry love. You're staying here tonight." A blush coated (y/n)'s cheeks and she looked between the two of them.

"We sent an owl while you talked with Sam, I think our parents will have a talking to in the next few days."

"You ratted out your mum to mine?" They both grinned and nodded.

"Let's head to bed."

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