"This lil' lady right here!" Jazz laughed as he stepped to the side and pointed down at Elizabeth.

"A human?" Ratchet's voice sounded skeptical as he sent a green laser towards Jazz.

"Yeah, you would be surprised with how well she works. After my recharge, I felt as good as new." The silver bot beamed with a thumbs up.

"You don't seem to have anything out of place." Ratchet grumbled before glancing down at the stilled female.

"Thank you for taking care of our comrade, Miss." Optimus kneeled as he took a closer look at Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth." The young woman introduced herself briefly as she glanced at Sam.

"Optimus, this is my cousin Elizabeth Witwicky. She is a mechanic, who just happened to be in Mission City at the time of the battle for the All Spark." Sam stated quickly as he stepped up beside the awed female.

"I see. Again, you have my thanks, Elizabeth. Now, I believe that Captain Lennox would like a word with you." Optimus turned slightly to see the fully uniformed men approaching them.

"Yeah, Thank you, Optimus. Elizabeth Witwicky, I'm Captain William Lennox. Can we talk somewhere private?" The man introduced before glancing around the property.

"Of course, we can talk at the house." Elizabeth stammered, before leading him around the detached garage.

The walk over to the garage was silent, but luckily quick, as she entered the open attached garage and turned to face the taller male. Lennox remained quiet as he peered around the garage and noticed several firearms mounted to the walls, and the desk that was littered with ammunition and gun parts.

"So, you're a mechanic and a gun guru." He commented as he stepped closer to the desk.

"You could say that. I know that you are in the military and all, but if it makes you uncomfortable talking in here we can go upstairs." Elizabeth fidgeted as she watched the man warily.

"No, this is fine. It almost makes me feel at home. But I do have some questions for you, if you don't mind." He smiled, which caused her to relax, even if just a little bit.

The questions that Captain Lennox had were pretty simple, and all related to the fiasco in Mission City. After the first few questions Elizabeth began to feel comfortable in his presence. Away from the house, the rest of group was watching while conversing quietly. Ratchet and Ironhide were rather curious about the young woman, and how she knew the inner workings of their kind. Realizing that their questions were getting them nowhere, Ironhide grumbled before making his way over to the house so that he could ask the woman himself. The two humans immediately noticed his approach, as his footsteps were loud and the ground slightly shook with each step.

"Ironhide?" Lennox questioned as he raised a brow at the black colored robot.

"We would like to know how this femme learned of our anatomy." Ironhide's voice was rough as he looked straight woman.

"Unfortunately, we are all stumped on that. Elizabeth has never met a Cybertronian prior to meeting Jazz." The captain frowned as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I work on cars for a living. I know that cars and Cybertronians are completely different, but they both require careful precision and attention to detail. The only thing that I couldn't do for Jazz was help replenish his fluids." Elizabeth stated as she rocked back on her heels.

Ironhide huffed loudly before turning away and returning to the rest of the Autobots. Glancing at the man beside her, Elizabeth noticed the fatigued look that Lennox was donning. A small sigh escaped her lips as she glanced down to her watch to see that it was already well into the morning.

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