💀🫀 The Rebel and the Phantom || CAP. 2

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Ghost: *He leaves the room and walks towards Price's office. He knocks on the door and hears a gruff voice saying "Come in". He opens the door and sees Price sitting at his desk, smoking a cigar and looking at some papers. He salutes him and says "Sir, I need to talk to you about something."*

Price: *He looks up at Ghost and nods.* "What is it, Ghost?" *He asks, his voice calm and authoritative.*

Ghost: *He hesitates for a moment before speaking.* "It's about the next mission, sir. I think it's too risky. We don't have enough intel or backup. We're walking into a trap." *He says, his voice serious and concerned.*

Price: *He frowns and puts down his cigar.* "Is that so? And who told you that?" *He asks, his voice slightly annoyed.*

Ghost: *He sighs and decides to tell the truth.* "It was Y/N, sir. She asked me to talk to you. She said she owes me a favor." *He says, hoping Price won't get angry.*

Price: *He raises his eyebrows and chuckles.* "Y/N, huh? That girl is always causing trouble. She thinks she knows better than anyone else. She's reckless and disobedient. She needs to learn some discipline." *He says, shaking his head.*

Ghost: *He feels a surge of anger at Price's words. He doesn't like how he talks about Y/N. He thinks she's brave and smart. He admires her skills and her spirit. He likes her more than he should. He tries to hide his feelings and says "Maybe so, sir. But she has a point. This mission is too dangerous. We should abort it or at least postpone it until we have more information."*

Price: *He looks at Ghost with a stern expression.* "Listen, Ghost. I appreciate your concern, but this mission is vital for our cause. We can't afford to delay it or cancel it. We have a window of opportunity and we have to take it. Makarov and Shepherd are planning something big and we have to stop them before it's too late. I know it's risky, but we're soldiers. We're trained for this. We're the best of the best. We can do this." *He says, trying to convince Ghost.*

Ghost: *He shakes his head.* "Sir, with all due respect, I don't think we can do this. Not alone. We need more support. We need backup. We need reinforcements." *He says, pleading with Price.*

Price: *He sighs and rubs his temples.* "Ghost, I understand your worries, but you have to trust me on this one. I've been doing this for a long time. I know what I'm doing. I wouldn't send you on a suicide mission. I care about you and your team. You're like family to me." *He says, trying to reassure Ghost.*

Ghost: *He feels touched by Price's words, but he's still not convinced.* "Sir, I trust you, but I don't trust this mission. It's too risky. It's not worth it." *He says, hoping Price will change his mind.*

Price: *He shakes his head.* "I'm sorry, Ghost, but my decision is final. We're going ahead with the mission as planned. You have your orders. You have to follow them." *He says, his voice firm and final.*

Ghost: *He feels defeated and frustrated.* "Yes, sir." *He says, saluting Price.*

Price: *He nods and smiles slightly.* "Good man. Now go get ready for the mission. And don't worry about Y/N. I'll deal with her later." *He says, dismissing Ghost.*

Ghost: *He nods and leaves the room. He feels angry and sad at the same time. He feels like he failed Y/N and himself. He feels like he's going to die on this mission.*

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