Cindered Shadows: What Lies Beneath

Start from the beginning

Girl: I told Yuri I wanted to be just like him when I grew up, and he said I shouldn't ever say stuff like that. So I told Balthus I didn't want to be like him when I grew up, and he said I'd grow up boring! What do they want me to say!?

Realizing the girl's question, the two mercenaries left the girl and made their way towards the main common area and market of Abyss, exploring the area and seeing what was around this strange underground city.

Heading off to the side, the two found a strange opening that led to a weird shrine that a mysterious woman was looking at. The woman had a strange veil around her head, hiding her face from view as she looked up and prayed to the weird statue and shrine.

Mysterious Woman: Abyss is where I offer my prayers to my gods. It is the only place. The goddess of Fódlan is not one of my gods, but the statue here is not one of my gods either. I offer my prayers here all the same, because Abyss is where it is allowed.

As the two looked up at the strange shrine, Cloud and Byleth both decided it would be best to just leave the woman to her prayers and continue on their way through Abyss, both professors ended up crossing a young boy who gave them an oddly dirty look, almost as if he was uneasy or disgusted by them.

Boy: You're both from the surface, aren't you? I bet you're both real bad. My mom says surface people are the worst.

Byleth: That's true, most of us are horrible.

Cloud: (Deadpan) Great, now you're starting to sound like me...

Dragging Byleth off before she could try and talk the boy into believing his mother's words about surface dwellers being horrible people, Cloud accidentally ended up bumping into an older man, who didn't appear to be in a particularly cheerful mood to deal with the two professors.

Elderly Man: Find someone else to bother. Whatever the heck you're selling, I'm not buying. Not a trader, eh? Sorry. My mistake. Most folks chatting down here are just pawning off stolen goods.

Leaving the man to his business, Byleth and Cloud both made their way over to the common area of Abyss, near the market area, where they both found Dimitri standing alone and taking in the sights of Abyss, trying to make out what this strange place is like. At the same time, Claude was off to the side, spying on a couple of rogues, seeing what they were doing and how they operated in Abyss.

Deciding to split up to talk to their respective students, Byleth made her way over to Dimitri, looking around Abyss with him to take in the new culture and scenery of this underground society full of rogues and bandits.

Dimitri: What do you think, Professor? This is a most... Unique town, is it not? Incredible, really, that those who faced oppression on the surface are able to find sanctuary here. Oh, not to say that there's no helping the situation in Fódlan. To do just that is our duty and our honor. Even so, I find the idea... Rather lovely.

Byleth: Honestly, I'd have to agree. We should be helping others to make this world better. You'll have to take some notes for once you become king in Faerghus.

Dimitri: I suppose you're right.

Meanwhile with Claude and Cloud, as usual, once Claude got a little too close to the rogues which could have led to him getting hurt, Cloud had to step in and pull Claude away by his ear in order to get him out of trouble... Again.

Claude: Who knew an entire town was hiding beneath the monastery? And a secret fourth house to boot. Secrets upon secrets-oh, I'm just itching to know them all! I'm sure Rhea knows all about this place. Gods, how many secrets does that lady have?

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