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[Chapter one]
[Act one]
[Part one]


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Valida Kratos

27 August
[exact location unknown]

I'm going to throw myself from my bedroom window, I swear to the gods, how could this happen? Why would they bestow this torture upon me? What have I done to deserve this torment?

The green prefects badge glared up at me from the table, if the inanimate object could do anything, it would most probably be laughing at me.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetling." My mother said with a soft smile, her bright blue eyes shining with pride as she, too, observed the green badge.

"We both are." The words were slightly choppy, as they always were when my father spoke English, it was rare that we spoke English at the Manor, yet my mother had a habit of randomly switching from Greek to English and my father always tries his best to keep up. It would've been comical if I wasn't wallowing in self pity at the moment.

My father laid a hand on my shoulder and I finally looked up, grey eyes identical to my own staring at me with happiness and pride, I could see the dimples I unfortunately didn't inherit even through the short blonde beard.

"Though it seems you lack the enthusiasm for your new position, is there a reason for that?" My mother easily slipped back into Greek, her dark eyes staring at me with question.

"I had hoped to get through my studies without the added pressure, it's O.W.L's year, now I won't have a lot of time to study, especially with meetings and patrols." It wasn't a complete lie, I really did not want the added pressure, yet I never could bring myself to tell my mother of my dislike of her old school, she would be devastated.

Though my father saw right through me, I could tell by the way his brow slightly quirked and his short mustache twitched.

"You're one of the most intelligent students in your year, if not the entirety of Hogwarts, you'll scarcely need the added study time. You'll be fine." My mother cooed, her hand reaching across the table to grasp my own.

I wish that were true. Truth is, everything I've accomplished so far academically has been built upon hours of frustration, tears, study time and more late nights than I could count. I can hardly focus if something doesn't interest me, and the syllabus at Hogwarts is so outdated and prejudice against dark magic that nothing has interested me.

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