I immediately rise to my feet, taking off down the hall as quickly as possible with tears welling in my eyes. I run through the long hallways, bumping into numerous maids until I eventually make it to my room.

I collapse to the floor, my body shaking from the humiliation and shame as I start crying hysterically. 

For months on end I've felt nothing at all, getting through each mundane day with nothing but this numb feeling in my chest, wishing desperately to feel anything but now I take it all back. 

I'd give anything to return to how I felt just mere hours ago because I feel like all my pent up emotions are now hitting me full force and I can't take it. 

My body shakes as sobs rack through it, the fresh memory of my dad saying all those horrible things about me replaying in my head over an over again.

Desperate to stop the mental anguish, I hobble to my feet and push my way into my bathroom. With my eyes blurred by tears I sift through the unorganised mess under my sink, eventually finding the thing I was after.

I immediately place the cold steel against my wrist, rushing to line the blade up with my old faded scars. Before I have time to rethink my decision I sink the razor into my skin, my breathing coming out shaky as I watch the blood draw.

 Before I have time to rethink my decision I sink the razor into my skin, my breathing coming out shaky as I watch the blood draw

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"Ten minutes my ass!" Dex yells from the other end of the phone as I drive back to the dorms. "Relax, I'll be there in five," I assure, rolling my eyes at his dramatics.

I go to look out of my side mirror but as I tilt my head the bright glow of a phone screen lights up the passenger seat. With one hand on the steering wheel I reach out and grab it, sighing heavily as I stare down at the pink phone case.

"For fucks sake," I groan to myself, realising that I left her phone in here. "Make that twenty," I tell Dex, hanging up before he has time to bitch at me. I make a U turn at the next roundabout, heading back in the direction of Juliet's house. 

I speed all the way there, wanting to get this over with so I can finally relax. 

It only takes me several minutes to get there, half the amount it previously took. I park crookedly in the drive, leaving my door open and the light on as I grab the phone and jog towards the front door. 

I ring the bell multiple times but nobody comes to answer it which is strange considering all the lights are still on and the sound of chatter leaks through the open kitchen window.

"Hello?" I call out, peaking my head through the door. I invite myself in, not having enough patience to exert proper manners. 

I walk to the kitchen, deciding I'll hand the phone off to Marco so he can give it back to her in the morning.

My face scrunches into a grimace as the smell of vomit mixed with booze hits my senses as I open the door. The sight before me is... interesting to say the least.

There's a guy with puke on his face lying on the ground, two other men participate in a lazy game of cards, another is tearing apart the fridge and Marco is asleep with his head laid on the counter.

I clear my throat, making my presence known. None of them look over at me though, all being too inthralled in their individual tasks. 

Not being convinced that I could leave her phone with any of these men without it returning to her completely smashed and covered in vomit, I decide that I'll leave it in her room.

I turn around and exit the kitchen, heading up the huge marble staircase towards Juliet's room, remembering where it is from when she pointed it out the other day.

I stroll through the hallways while taking my time to be nosy and look into every room that has it's door open, curious to see how the rich use all these bedrooms.

I start to speed up slightly when I hear the sound of crying from further down the hall. Stopping outside of Juliet's room, I knock on her door softly but there's no reply. 

I slightly open the door before glancing in and seeing that the room is completely deserted, the only things in here being empty Starbucks cups and an ocean of clothes on the floor.

Now that the door is open the sound of crying intensifies, causing me to advance into the room. "Juliet?" I call out wearily, slowly opening the door where the crying is sounding out from behind. 

My eyes widen at the sight before me. Juliet's shaking body sits on the floor surrounded by specs of blood, her back against the wall as she muffles her sobs into her arms.

"Juliet," I repeat much louder this time, rushing to her side.

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