Telling the truth

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Bold=na'vi talk
Italian= sigh language for underwater

Äneyr point of view:

I open my eyes. I could feel someone beside me and look over. It was Neteyam, asleep. I slowly sat up. Kiri came walking in. "Oh my god, your up. Mom, dad, Äneyr is a wake." shouted Kiri.  They came running in. "Äneyr." said Tuk. She came running in. She jump on me and wake up Neteyam. He was daz and confused.

My head was pounding. "How are you feeling?" asked Neytiri. "Like I got hit by a tulkun." I answer. "It's good to see you awake." said Jake. "How long?" I asked. "Almost a week." said Lo'ak. I could feel something running down my chin. I wipe it. It was blood. It was bloody noes. Neytiri put some type of cloth to my nose and tip my head back.  "Thanks." I mumble out. "How did you do that?" asked Kiri. "Did what?" I asked. "Mange to get her out of a coma?" said Neteyam. "I am not sure. I just follow instincts." I answer. Neytiri left. I started to lean to the side, almost falling off the bed. Neteyam grad me. He wraps his arms  around me to keep me still.

Neytiri came back in with a bowl of soup. She placed in my hands. "Eat." she ordered. I slowly eat the soup. "Why did you heal me?" asked Kiri. "Like I said you guys feel like family." I answer. "Thank you." said Neytiri. "You are welcome." I said. I tried to get up and kinda fell back. Neteyam tried to help but I pushed him away. I stood up. "Ronal came in to check on you. So did Tsireya, Aonung, Tonowari, and Rotxo." said Jake. We talked more and then I went  for a walk. Neteyam was walking with me. Tsireya saw us and gave me a hug. We talked for a bit and then she left. We walked some more and then we sat down on the beach. The area was away from everyone and it was private too. Neteyam and I were holding hands.

"I am going to tell you the truth. I have a massive crush on you. When you fell into that deep sleep. I was worried about you. It felt like my heart was getting torn into pieces. Every time you were with Kiri, I got a bit jealous." said Neteyam.  I was smiling at him. He kept talking. "I understand that you don't like me back." he said. That was it. I kiss him on the lips.

Neteyam point of view:

He kissed me on the lips this time. I immediately kissed back. I nip at his bottom lip. He lightly giggles. I grad him and pull him into my lap. I lightly played with his tail and he immediately gasped. I took the opportunity to stick my tongue in his mouth. He began to light moan. Our sweet, passionate kiss turns into a hot messy makeup. We broke our kiss to get some air. We were both breathing heavily from the kiss Äneyr rest his forehead against mine.

"Neteyam, shut up. I like you back. You are fun, caring, and protective. You are perfect for me. I do like you back." said Äneyr. My heart was pounding from the works he just said.  "I must tell you who I really am." said Äneyr. "Go ahead." I said.  "I am Ewya son." He said. I was confused. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"When we connected to the tree. We see our memories. I saw my memories when I was five. It show me talking to Ewya tree and calling it mama. Then I met Ewya. She show me how I was born." said Äneyr. I could see the tears swelling up in his eyes. I quickly wipe the tears away. "It ok. You don't have to explain it to me." I said soft.

"No. I trust you. Ewya fell in love with my father and created me. My father name me and we talk to Ewya all the time. The day I lost my father was the last time I called her mama. I got push into the sea and it was stormy out. I would have drown if it wasn't for Payakan. He save me. When I heal your sister, I asked Ewya. She talk to me, Neteyam. She actually spoke to me." said Äneyr. I was shock. "Wow. That something." I said. "I understand that now if you..." started Äneyr. It was my time to shut him up with a kiss. We pull apart. "Nope. You are perfect the way you are. I wouldn't care if you were a regular na'vi, an avatar or a half-breed." I said. Äneyr hug me. "I thought you would have turn me down." said Äneyr. "Never." I said.

"Would you have the honor to be my mate?" I asked as I grasp my queue. "I would love too." said Äneyr as he grad his. Our queue connect to each other. A rush of pleaser shot threw us. Once again we lock lips. We pull apart and Äneyr grin. "What?" I asked. "Mama said congratulations. We are perfect for each other." said Äneyr. "I am glad." I said. "We should tell your parents first. I am not really talking to my parents right now." said Äneyr. I nodded in agreement.  We got up and hold each other hands. Our queue disconnected and we began to walk to the village.

We continue to walk until Tsireya, Aonung, and Kiri came running to us. "Lo'ak went to see Payakan." said Kiri.

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