Chacarrons gone

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The whole room was silent as the deflated Chacarron lay on the floor. At this sight all the coaches were beyond shock and horror so much that they fell into denial. " So who did it?"  Joyce asked in utter disbelief. At this point all the coaches had gone nuts blaming each other for the murder. Oh boi this is going to be a handful for me the local just dance detective Burton. The whole room was past its maximum tempo with the simple question was it you. I mean Talia and Freyja were already scrapping with each other. Oh God what am I supposed to do the drama is too much. There's brutal fights everywhere and I was stuck in the middle of it. AHHH somebody help me before I get caught up in the fight. Coaches were pulling on each others hair and some were even scrabbling on the floor. Looks like it's time for detective Burton to check out the situation. Of course by looking on CCTV because you know I like to know my whereabouts.

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