The actual wedding + Wedding Crashers

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The day Jack was dreading had finally come he was about to be married to his ex boyfreind who thought they were a perfect match. Nightswan walked her son down the aisle and stood him infront of Matthew. And of course she made me the priest because I hate Matthew. "Do you Matthew take Jack to be your lawfully wedded wife?" I asked clearly fed-up with the guy. " I do." Matthew replied. "Jack do you take Matthew to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I asked sympathetically before someone screamed " Stop the wedding!" . At that moment I sighed knowing that Jack was finally being rescued by Wanderlust. "Stay away from my boyfreind." Wanderlust bellowed as all the others nodded with him. " You know I am really getting tired of you" Nightswan said as her magic hit one of the coaches one being Grey. " Grey are you alright?" Haze asked caressing Grey in a light embrace to break Nightswans spell. As they say the power of love is really strong. But Nightswan was just distracting Wanderlust so Matthew could quickly pull Jack away from Wanderlust. "Wander that guy just took Jack." Sara said. After hearing this news Wanderlust used his teleportation to find Jack.

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