twenty questions but shorter.

Comenzar desde el principio

"ohh, t-they are pretty." I feel the need to reassure him that they are a good choice. Smiling softly, I look away when he smiles back at me.

"when is you're birthday?" Peter takes his turn, softly pinching one of my thighs to bring my attention back to him.

"the 17th of N-November" I honestly answer him, normally I would lie to people because I'm not to big on celebrating my birthday, but if I'm going to be here for a while I might as well tell someone.

"hm, so you are younger then Ethan.. We have a new baby of the house" Peter stated although I think it was mainly to himself.

"w-what about you?, when i-is you're birthday?" I enquire, it only seems fair if I know his as well.

"My birthday is on the 21st of may" Peter responded casually "what's you're favorite holiday?"

"H-Halloween, I love Halloween a-always have" I responded thoughtlessly. "do y-you have a preferred season?"

"why, Halloween is great isn't it. If I had to chose a season I would chose summer as I love swimming." Peter agrees with my love for Halloween before answering my prior question. "what about sport, do you play any sport?"

"I u-used to do d-dance but, I'm not a very sporty p-person" I admit shyly, I waited for him to start laughing at me like most people do when they find out me, a guy did dance but he never started laughing.

"oh yeah what type of dance?" Peter asked looking sincere, and not like he was going to bully me.

"... I did uh j-jazz, social and contemporary, h-hey that was my turn" After I figured out that he stole my turn, I pouted at him.

" aw, don't pout bub. How's about you have two turns now to make up for that?" he suggested softly a smile spread across his face.

"o-ok, what's you're favorite song?" I returned his smile, Peter didn't answer for a couple of seconds, I could see he was thinking about it though.

"I like a lot of songs but currently I would have to say 'power over me' I've been listening to it non-stop" Peter answered confidently.

"That's a good song... how do you listen to it? do you have a stereo or something?" I asked confused, I don't think we would be aloud phones.

"no bub, I have a phone... do you not have one?" Peter chuckled lightly at first before he seemed to become concerned.

"uh no. I didn't b-bring it, I d-don't really have a-any use for one and I d-didn't think we would be a-aloud them" I responded timidly, for the first time since Matt left I was scared, I didn't know if what I was saying would be the right things to not set Peter of again.

"oh, you would of been aloud it, Matt and Dylan don't like cutting people off from there family and friends they also like us to have them so that they can contact us if needed. It's fine thought bub we can just get you a new one later." one of Peters hands moved to my back and started to run up and down it like Matt had done earlier, he must of noticed my panic starting to come back.

"o-oh okay. d-did that count as m-my second question?" I felt relived that Peter wasn't mad at me.

"no, ask you're second question" Peter carefully pushed me to keep asking my questions.

"o-ok, um what was y-you're favorite colour?" I chose a simple question, the same one Peter had asked me earlier.

"blue, but like a darker one" Peter smiled at me again causing me to blush. Although we hadn't finished the questions yet I was starting to get tired again today must of warn me out because don't normally sleep this much. I yawned behind my hand tying to hide the fact that I was tired from Peter although I failed that.

"Are you tired little one?" Peter asked sweetly, I nodded my head.

"how's about you go for a nap and ill come wake you for dinner?" Peter offered.

"no, s-stay with me... c-cuddle?" my voice came out sounding tiny and shy as a blushed at the fact that I wanted him to stay with me.

"ok bub, lets lay down and you can go to sleep for a while" Peter smiled at me, as he moved his body down my bed to lay down softly pulling me with him, I was laying facing him, my head laying on his chest and his arm wrapped around me. It didn't take long for me to start drifting off to sleep and just before I fell into a deep sleep, I felt a soft kiss pressed against my forehead and heard Peter whisper "sleep well my little baby" and then I was out.

hey loves. so this took me like 2 hours, my covid and me where just chilling in my room doing this. anyway hope you love it and I promise that Alex will spend time with the others soon and you will get to learn about then as well. Pleas leave comments they fill my heart with joy and make me all giddy. make sure you take care of yourselves, sleep, eat and drink loads of water my loves. bye <3

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