Chapter 4: The Hope

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As they approached the door, the shaman opened it softly, inviting the child to step inside

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As they approached the door, the shaman opened it softly, inviting the child to step inside. Reluctant at first, she cautiously entered. However, her initial hesitation quickly turned to shock as her eyes widened, and she began to frantically shout, mistaking the shaman's house owner for a ghost lurking in the corner. It turned out that the owner had come to collect three months' worth of overdue rent and was far from pleased with the child's accusation. She snapped at the child, expressing her own beauty.

House Owner: "What's the meaning of this, Garam? Calling me a ghost? I'll have you know I'm the most beautiful woman in this town!"

Shaman: "My apologies, Ms. Kana. The child mistook you in the dim light. Please forgive her."

Garam handed over the money he had received from the family, which the owner eagerly accepted before declaring that she would double the rent due to the presence of a new tenant, pointing smugly at the child.

Ms. Kana: "Hmph! Well, I suppose I can let it slide this time. But remember, I'm doubling the rent because of her presence. You best make sure she doesn't cause any trouble."

Garam (politely): Please Ms. Kana reconsider the decision to double the rent. This child is just a young girl. She won't take up much space or water.

However, the owner simply counted the money and left without paying heed to his words.

With a sigh, Garam lowered his head and asked the child if she would like something to eat. Their stomachs growled in unison, a testament to their hunger. While he went to prepare a meal for them, the child began to explore the house. The interior proved to be even more unsettling than the talismans hanging outside. The walls were broken, revealing the scars of an unseen battle. The ceilings leaked, adding a constant drip-drip sound to the eerie ambiance. Rodents scurried across the floor, their presence adding to the sense of decay and neglect. Illumination was scarce, with only two lights—one in the kitchen and one in the hall—barely clinging to their positions. The floor was strewn with torn talismans and half-written incantations, remnants of the Garam's attempts to ward off the darkness that had plagued his abode.

As he busied himself in the kitchen, the child's curiosity led her further into the house. She cautiously stepped over the torn talismans scattered across the floor, her gaze fixated on the broken walls and leaky ceilings. The eerie ambiance enveloped her, causing her to shiver involuntarily.

Child: (whispering to herself) "What kind of place is this? It feels so... haunted."

Garam: (from the kitchen) "I apologize for the state of the house. It's seen better days, but it's the best I can offer you for now."

Child: (nervously) "It's okay, I understand. Thank you for saving me... even though I thought I was..."

Garam: (interrupting, his voice filled with remorse) "No, no. Don't say that. I'm sorry for what happened. It was a terrible mistake, but I promise to protect you from now on."

The child slowly made her way to the kitchen, where Garam was preparing a simple meal. The fragrant aroma of herbs and spices filled the air, momentarily overpowering the musty scent that permeated the house.

Child: (softly) "Shaman, why did they want to get rid of me? I don't understand... I thought they were my family."

Garam: (sighing) "Sometimes, people are driven by fear and desperation. They believed that sacrificing you would protect their bloodline. But you're just a child, innocent and deserving of love. It's not your fault."

Child: (teary-eyed) "But... I want to be loved. I want a family who cares about me."

Garam: (placing a comforting hand on her shoulder) "You have my word, little one. I will be here for you. This house may be old and worn, but it can become a home filled with love and warmth."

The child looked up at Garam, her eyes reflecting a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. They sat down together at the kitchen table, their meal before them. As they shared the simple feast, the flickering candlelight cast gentle shadows on their faces, hinting at the possibility of a brighter future, even amid their troubled surroundings.

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