Time Line

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*There is no Voldemort, Potter bashing, the Potter's survived*

*WTM takes place before Age of Ultron*

*Harry was born in 1999 and so he is around 13 during the WTM*

*Wizarding World bashing minus a few people (Sirius and Remus)*

*Lily is around 29/30 years old*


First Movie-Captain Marvel-1996 (I changed the year up just a little) Petunia is 16

Second Movie-Avengers-2012 Clint is compromised Petunia is 32.

Third Movie-Captain America: The Winter Soldier-2014, Natasha joins Petunia and Steve on a mission, Petunia's grandparents will (probably) appear.

Fourth Movie-Avengers: Age of Ultron-2015, Tony and Bruce create Ultron and secrets are revealed.

Fifth Movie-Captain America: Civil War-2016 The Avengers clash.

Sixth Movie-The Phoenix Rises-2017 (my own idea)

Seventh Movie-Avengers: Infinity War-2018, Thanos wins and turns half the planet to dust.

Eighth Movie-Avengers: Endgame-2023 Half the planet returns.

Ninth Movie (series)-Hawkeye-2024

Tenth Movie-Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness-2025

Eleventh Movie (series)-Secret Invasion-2026

Twelfth Movie-The Marvels (unreleased)-2027

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