Ace Bike Trick Fail

36 2 14

Continuation of the last chapter

Sometime in the 1980s

Paul stands outside, decked in his bike gear, helmet, sunglasses, and all, his bike next to him as he waits for Ace to come outside. Just as he begins to get impatient, Ace comes out with his bike.

It's black with lightning bolts on it, a small bell attached to the handlebars, and a lil switch that apparently lets out sparks (?)

Peter sets up a lawn chair and sits down like a single mother who is watching his four kids.

Ace gets on the bike, starts peddling a little, and smiles.

"wait, where's your helmet Ace?" Paul asks, concerned.

"Helmet? Please, helmets are for pussies. And Nikki Sixx. I, Ace Frehley, am not either of those things!" he says proudly, Paul rolls his eyes.

"There is nothing wrong about being safe, Ace." Ace scoffs

"pssh, naaah" he flaps his hand dismissively before turning to Peter and smiling mischievously.

"Hey! Hey Petah!! Wanna see that trick??!" Peter leans forward in his seat, interested.

"Uh, yeah! Who do ya think I am? Gene??! Show me!!"

Ace laughs and attempts to do a wheelie, before falling to the ground, being pinned between the concrete and the bike, he yelps as his leg gets tangled in the bike.

"Oh shit!! Oh fuck!! Help me!!" Peter starts to laugh uncontrollably, mimicking what Ace just did before smacking his knee hard and wheezing like an asthmatic child.

Paul immediately decides to whip out his phone and begin recording, however, he does not realize that he is on the front camera and just recording his face.

Thankfully, the whole thing is caught in the reflection of his obnoxious sunglasses.

The complex door opens, showing Bruce, looking utterly confuzzled.

"Uh...okay guys, what the flip?" he says, putting his hand on his hips before he locks eyes with the tangled Ace, wrigging on the ground like a newly uncovered worm.

And he doubles over laughing hysterically

"OH MY GOD, HOLY FUCKING SHIT" he yells, laughing so hard his ribs begin to hurt as Ace continuously rings the bell trying to get up, occasionally letting a spark or two out of the bike on accident.

As Bruce continues to laugh his ass off, tears forming in his eyes, the doors to the complex open once more, but this time, coming out of them is an angry Eric.

He is dressed in his orange silk pajamas and white bunny slippers

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON OUT HERE?!" he yells, storming over, he helps Ace out of his tangled bike and glares at him

"You are a fucking idiot." he then turns to Paul and smacks the camera out of his hand "AND STOP RECORDING! GOD NONE OF YOU COULD HAVE HELPED HIM?! USELESS"

Eric then turns back to Bruce, pushing a finger into his chest

"And you. You PROMISED ME you would feed the cats HOURS AGO!! And here they are STARVING while I am trying to cook us dinner!! I cannot feed them, and give them all the love they need if I am cooking!! Now they are yelling at me!! You need to do it! Please!" then, a fire alarm sounds, and Eric groans even louder

"FUCK MY BEANS!!" he runs inside and closes the door, Bruce then turns back to the rest of the gang, clapping his hands together

"Well, parties over guys. I'll see you later." he then turns and follows Eric inside

"Eric! Baby! I'm sorry! C'mon Fox!" the door closes once more, leaving a disheveled Ace, a shocked Paul, and a guilty Peter.

"God...Eric is scary when he's mad" Peter says as Paul picks up his phone and turns the camera around towards Ace.

Ace's hair is a mess, his knees are scraped and slight burn marks are on his pants as well from the spark mechanics

He looks at Peter, then at Paul, and sniffles

"Guys I...I don't think I want to ride bikes anymore.."

"Aw..cause you had a little fall?" Paul teases, Ace scoffs

"That wasn't a 'little fall' Paul! I was on the ground for-- for how long??!" Ace yells, Peter looks at his watch

" 'bout...Three minutes. That was fuckin great. Do it again!" Peter yells happily

"Again?! I'm not doing it again! I'm done!!" Ace turns and goes back inside, defeated

Paul pouts "B-b-but-- we didn't even get to ride!!" he whines, gripping his bike handles as he stops recording.

Ace waves him off, as Gene looks at them from his backyard, sipping wine like a judgemental elderly neighbor.

"I knew it...I knew it would go to shit, thank god I didn't pay for cable..." he sips on his wine a little "Ah yes. Quality drama. THIS! This is reality television right here."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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