He walk with confidence and a warm smile on his face . He's a good person but don't get on his bad side and you'll be ok.

Some people does judge him as he wear feminine clothes but he loves to .

Some people does judge him as he wear feminine clothes but he loves to

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( What he's wearing)

" Hey ...tae ..how are you today?" A co worker ask him as he get inside the elevator.

" Good Elsa...how about you ..did you complete the task Mr Oh given to you ..?" He asks checking his work schedule.

" Yeah, almost done .. I'll see you soon yeah.m" Elsa get outside and Taehyung push the button of top floor where he work as a junior editing director.

He knock on the head editing director door.
He open the door and smile looking at his boss .

" Good morning Mr Oh..." He said and the man sitting behind the big mahogany table look up and smile at Taehyung telling him to come in.

" Good morning... Taehyung.. you're early today!" He asks checking some files.

" Oh yeah.  .well we have an important meeting with our new chairman today as they asked us to come to meet them so I want to get prepared before going there .." he said sitting in front of the table.

" Well I'm nervous too ,as far as I've heard he's good and all but could be much more in profits than the feelings you know" Taehyung hums.

" Well aren't all those rich people are like that" he whisper but Mr Oh get that .

" Maybe .." they both laugh and get back to discussing what they are going represent in front of the new chairman so he could see the potential of their.

" Be prepared at 11 ok... I'll call you hmm ." Taehyung get up and left bowing to him.

Mr Oh,well Oh Sehun is handsome man handling this position for more than 4 years now. He's passionate about his work and great teacher too . He likes to keep his professional and personal life poles apart but maybe he start feelings for someone.

The class clock ticks the time soon and Taehyung with Oh Sehun is right now in the car driving towards the headquarters of the company that bought their publication house .

" What are your thoughts about this invasion Taehyung" he asks looking at him .

" I think they thought it's profitable to own a publication house too..." He giggle while telling his thoughts out loud making Sehun to look at his plum pink lips but the horn if the car at the back bring him out of trance and he drive to the highway.

After the half an hour drive they reached to the parking area of the company. Taehyung get down after wearing his blazer same with Sehun. Taking the essential files and iPad they both walk out of parking to upstairs way to the entrance of the company.

𝑭𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒚 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 Where stories live. Discover now