"You jokers don't know the password, eh?" Eddie teased the Stooges.

"Cut 'em a break, Eddie," Valiant's date reproached. "It's their first time." She specifically asked Curly, "Are you alright, hon?"

Curly was initially surprised such a beautiful woman was concerned for his well-being. Once he was able to get over the shock, he replied, "Oh, tut-tut, lady. That was nuttin'." He turned to Moe and invitingly knelt to where his shaven scalp pointed at him. "Here, gimme one on the head."

"Gladly," Moe accepted the free shot, bonking his fist on Curly's head.

Curly seemed shockingly unfazed by the blow. "See, lady? I just—Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" No less than a nanosecond later did he yelp in pain, clutching the spot where Moe hit him.

Eddie shook his head in annoyance. "C'mon, Dolores," he told his date. "We'll be late for our reservation."

"Eddie, we can't just leave these boys out here," Dolores said, pitying the Stooges.

"Sure, we can," Valiant disputed. "Dolores, these buffoons are more destructive than your average toon!"

Dolores judgingly rested one hand on her hip and reminded Eddie, "You once said the same thing about a certain rabbit."

"That's different," Eddie contended. "Roger's an actual toon. It's his nature."

In spite of making such a reasonable counterargument, Dolores didn't let up on the hypercritical attitude she gave him. With no other choice, he approached the door and knocked. The peephole slid open and the gorilla looked on Eddie with more welcoming (albeit still menacing) eyes. "Mister Valiant!" he beamed. "How ya doin'?"

"As good as can be, Bongo." Eddie then stated the password, "Walt sent me."

On that, Bongo the bouncer opened the door.

Dolores looked to the Stooges, smiling as she nodded towards the opened entrance. "C'mon, fellas."

Overwhelmed by the kind gesture, the Stooges happily followed Eddie and Dolores in. They tried not to make eye contact with the seven-foot, tuxedo-wearing toon gorilla that violently attacked Curly, no less than a few minutes ago. Valiant and his date were the only reason he didn't lay another finger on them, as they waltzed in.

Moe, Larry, and Curly could hear the laughter and music coming from the main room just ahead of them. Stepping through the doorway, they were engulfed by the white glow emitted from the swanky nightclub, on a par with the El Morrocco or the Garden of Allah. Behind the bar, a caterpillar bartender used his many arms to shake and pour several drinks at once. Meanwhile, a dozen penguin waiters were gliding back and forth along the tables, serving drinks to the well-heeled crowd.

One waiter waddled past Curly with a tray carrying a single glass of champagne.

Curly, licking his lips with eagerness, attempted to snatch the glass but was thwarted by Moe. "Don't even think about it," he scolded him. "We ain't havin' another episode like last Fourth of July. Yer stayin' dry the whole night."

"Mmmm!" Curly let out an under-the-breath, high-pitched groan of frustration.

"Jumpin' jeepers! If it isn't the Three Stooges!" A hyperactive voice with a slight lisp addressed them. They were suddenly approached by famed toon actor Roger Rabbit. While Roger was still the usual slender, white rabbit with large blue eyes, a pink nose, and a tuft of red hair, he was donned in a spiffy tuxedo with white gloves and a black bowtie with white polka dots, as opposed to his signature red overalls, yellow gloves, and a blue bowtie with yellow polka dots.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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