The Benders Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Yeah we did, your brother's" I asked when she looks sad and nods "I'm sorry" I said "let's get you guys out of here, then we'll take care of those bastards" Dean said and points to the control panel. "This thing takes a key, key" Dean said and starts to look around "I don't know" "alright, we better go find it" Dean says and we start to leabe but stop when Sam talks "hey, you two be careful" Sam says "yeah" Dean says and I nod before Dean and I leave.

Dean and I head into the house and into another dark room. Dean turns on his flashlight and starts to look around as do I. The room is filled with shelves of jars and bottles, which contain various body parts. I keep searching the room and come across a wall full of Polaroid pictures. "Dean" I say and he walks over and look to see each photo shows Jared and Lee standing next to a dead body. "I'll say it again, demons I get. People are crazy" Dean says and I laugh slightly.

Dean and I move to a flight of stairs and climb them going up to see a living room. A record is playing in the background and Dean and I see a wooden pole leaning against the wall and Dean picks it up. He leans against the wall and makes his way toward the kitchen. He notices a small tray filled with keys, on a nearby table. Dean takes a peak inside the kitchen. He moves towards the tray of keys, and starts to pick it up when he notices a jar full of teeth.

Dean examines it, disgusted, then hears the floor creak behind him and I and he sets the jar down and turns around quickly. A young girl is standing behind us "shh, it's okay, we're not gonna hurt you" Dean says. Suddenly the little girl pulls out a knife "I know" she said and sticks the knife into Dean's jacket, pinning him against the wall. "Daddy" the little girl yelled and I pulled the knife out of Dean's jacket as Jared and Lee come downstairs.

Jared grabs Dean his arms while Lee walks towards me, clearly the guy and twice my size but I quickly grab something off a table and swing it at the guy. Jared throws Dean

into the wall, causing the knife to fall to the floor. I run for the knife but Lee grabs me by my hair, pulling me backwards as I scream. "Let her go" Dean yelled but before he can do anything another man comes and hits Dean with a pan, making him fall to the floor unconscious.

"Dean" I yell as the two guys look at me and started to come towards me as I struggle in the guys arms. I take a couple deep breaths before I grab one of the guys arms and bite him, making the guy holding me let me go. I started to run for the nearest exit but stop when I see the little girl and she stabs me in the leg. I yell out on pain and fall to my knees just as one of the guys comes over and slaps me across the face so hard they knock me out.

When I wake up I see Dean in front of me and see that both of our hands are tied behind out backs in a chair. "Come on, let us hunt them" Lee says to the bigger guy who is called Pa. "Yeah, these two are fighters, sure would be fun to hunt" Jared said as Dean wakes up.

"Now, now we can't hunt this girl, she's injerged" Pa says and runs a knife threw my hair, making me stiffen and Dean pull at his ropes "don't touch her" Dean says and then stops when he notices my leg bleeding.

"That's what this is about, you yahoos hunt people" I ask "you two ever killed before

Pa asks and Dean laughs well, that depends on what you mean". "I've hunted all my life, just like my father, his before him. I've hunted deer and bear, I even got a cougar once, but the best hunt is human. Oh, there's nothin' like it. Holdin' their life in your hands. Seein' the fear in their eyes just before they go dark. Makes you feel powerful alive" Pa said.

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