Chapter 22: Devastated!

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Elena's POV

Me: No!!! She can't be dead!!! I promised her we'd get through this!!!

Nik: Layna, you have to calm down love.

Me: Shut up and go comfort your other baby's mother!

Kol: Wow Ellie, that was kinda harsh don't you think?
Me: You're right Kol. I'm so sorry Nik. I just promised her we'd get through this... And now she's gone!!!!

I just started bawling my eyes out. Then Mer walked into the room.

Mer: Ok, who upset Lena???

Matty: I'm sorry Mer. I should have waited until after she had the triplets to tell her about Mac.

Mer: What about Mac?

Matty: That Mac is dead.

Mer: You told her what? Mac is fine. But she could really use her fiancé as support right now.

Matty: But...but...but she was so pale! She wasn't moving or breathing either.

Mer: She was transitioning. She's alive. But she wouldn't be if it wasn't for Klaus. He had a feeling something bad was gonna happen.


The day Bon joined the group

Nik: Mer, can I talk to you alone please?

Mer: Yeah, of course Klaus. what is this about?

Nik: It's about the girls. You see, I have a bad feeling about this. Mac, Hay, and Bon all three have a chance of dieing in labor. So here are 3 samples of my blood...just in case something goes wrong.

Mer: Thank you Klaus. That is very generous of you.

Nik: Well...they are my family. I will always love and protect my family!

End of flashback

Matty: So Mac is...ok?

Mer: Yes!

Matty: Ok!!! Love you guys!!!!

Me and Bon: Love you too Matty!!! Tell Mac we love her!!!

Kol, Eli, and Nik: Love you too Bro!!! Good luck man!!!

Mer: But...there is one person that we are struggling with. I think you guys might know her.

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