Chapter 22

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I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. It was good to finally know where Carter and I stood. Just friends and nothing more. Nathan on the other hand was a whole other situation. Even though we fought sometimes, I loved him. And he loved me, that's what I thought at least..

It's almost August. That means 1 month left till I'm officially a senior in high school and the boys are off to their first year of college. And to be completely honest. I'm scared. During the summer you might think I'm some super boy crazy girl that ONLY hangs out with guys and practically lives with them. But really, that's not me. I'm shy and I push people away. But I guess that's just who I am and Nathan and Carter seem to be the only people of the face of the earth who put up with me. At school I only have a small group of friends, Danielle, Lacey, Christian and Liam. Their the only ones at school I can actually tolerate..

Everyday at school my friends would tease me and say 'why aren't you and Nathan together yet?' Or 'Carter totally wants you!' All I could ever respond with was a simple, 'I don't know' or 'Yeah I know' I mean truthfully I did want to be with one of them..

Aidan sent me good morning texts everyday since our date. We would text each other and he would call me sometimes. He would always ask me if I wanted to hang out. But I said I was busy, when I really wasn't. Truthfully I didn't want to hang out with him, I just wasn't feeling it. The only person I wanted to talk to was the one whom I messed up everything with. It had only been like 3 days since the argument and my date with Aidan. Things were weird around the house, this deffinetly not the way I wanted to finish summer.


Awkward. The whole house was awkward. Well at least it was for Nathan and I Being in the same room, eating together, everything. I knew he was mad that I went on a date with someone, but I mean there wasn't much I could even do about it. All I knew is he was mad at me. I couldn't blame him though I was being a real bitch. Saying he wasn't my boyfriend and that he didn't always need to be looking out for me, I should have NEVER said that. I regret everything that happened that night before my date.

I always screw everything up.

I got out of the shower, the cold wet hair sending chills down my back. I put on shorts and a tank top, and threw my hair in a messy bun. Nothing new, right? My phone buzzed, it was of course another text from Aidan.

It read, 'Hey, if you're not doing anything today I wanted to hang out or something?'

I ignored the text and set my phone back down, not wanting to be bothered by anyone. Like I said, I didn't want to hang out with Aidan. I wanted Nathan. He was the only one I wanted to talk to. I literally had to force myself to eat that morning. I was just so out of it and lazy; this is not like me at all. I grabbed a yogurt, raspberries and granola for breakfast and a juice. There he was, just sitting outside out on the patio by himself waxing his board.Every part of me thought I should go talk to him, fix everything and everything will be fine again. But no, something held me back. He would still be mad, he would still hate my guts. I found myself like staring at him, like he was somebody I had never seen or met in my life. The way his hair just flowed perfectly, his tan skin, just everything about him. I missed it a lot and the more I kept looking at him the more I realized how big of a mistake I made yelling at him. And leaving him the first place.

Sam stop being a pussy and just do it. Go talk to him.The worst that could happen is he could completely ignore you or something. Just do it already.

My legs felt mechanical. Like I was unable to move them, I felt like a robot being controlled. My heart was beating, my hands were sweaty and I was tensing up. Ah ha, all the symptoms of being "in love". What did it even feel like? To be "in love"..Was I in love with Nathan..? I didn't even know what I was going to say all I know is that I had to fix what I had broken. I mean the worst that could happen is he'll just ignore me or I don't know just get up and leave. 

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