11 - Ripples

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Pebbles made tiny splashes every time Lina threw one into the sea, ripples forming out around them as they landed with a plink into the water. Oblivious to the sea spray that adorned her black Doc Martens and lightly stained the bottom of her skirt, she furrowed her brow, deep in thought. The memory of the amortentia lingered in her mind, frustrating her.

She was pissed. At Garreth for not telling her, but mostly at Sebastian and Ominis. Oh, they were going to get it when they return to school. Their sick, thoughtless prank had gone wrong in so many ways, leaving her uneasy and irritated.

Lina's irritation intensified as she remembered the countless encounters, conversations, and gestures from Garreth that might have been tainted by an artificial enchantment, leaving her uncertain of what was genuine and what was merely the influence of the potion they both drank. How long was the potion supposed to last for? Were the effects permanent? This blasted amortentia had ensnared her emotions, and she felt trapped.

The few cold, smooth pebbles left rested against her palm, gritty sand brushing off the surface and onto her hand. Lina found herself consumed by a swarm of thoughts that buzzed incessantly in her mind. She struggled to concentrate on anything else.

She needed to ask Professor Sharp. Sure, it would be an unbelievably awkward conversation, but she needed to find out if and when it would wear off. But then again, maybe she didn't want it to wear off...

Her train of thought was cut off by a voice behind her. "You alright?"

Whirling around, she saw Garreth was standing off to the side, heading up onto the rocks next to her. He thrust his hands in his pockets, and kicked a loose rock along aimlessly whilst waiting for an answer.

"I suppose so," she replied, her shoulders lifting in a half-hearted shrug. "Just thinking."

"You can tell me," He gently urged.

"I- it's the amortentia. What're we going to do about it?"

Garreth laughed wryly, "I don't know. But I'll have a word with those Slytherins, that's for sure."

Staring back out towards the horizon, a determined fire sparked in her eyes as she retorted, "Oh, I intend to do much more than that."

"Make sure they're still breathing afterwards," he said sarcastically. "If you wanted to, I could try and make an antidote for us," he offered, his tone softening. 

Lina froze, realising Garreth may want something else from what she did. She hesitated, searching for the right words. "I... I don't think it would make much difference. It probably wore off by now. If you want to try, go ahead, but I'll be fine, thanks."

A smile tugged on the corners of Garreth's lips, but he drew it back in, hiding it from Evangeline. "Alright then. Leander claims his stomach is dissolving itself, and I fear he might actually kill us if we don't eat soon."

"I'll be over in a moment," Lina said, her long hair dancing in the strong, salty breeze.

Garreth hopped down off the rocks and back along the damp, sandy beach, retracing his footprints that were yet to be washed away. Grey clouds stormed towards them, rumours of early November snow flitting around in the sky above him as he walked with a surprising spring in his step. Lina didn't want an antidote. Did that mean it didn't work? Or maybe it did work? Garreth would never know, and he didn't hugely want to know. All he did know was that she didn't want an antidote.

"Can you hurry up?!" Leander's voice echoed across the beach. "I'm wasting away over here!"

Once Lina and Garreth had joined them, lunch was quickly eaten, Leander stuffing his face with every scrap of food he could get his hands on. "Huh? I 'ungry," he murmured, his mouth stuffed full of sandwich like chipmunk stocking up for winter.

When someone cracked a joke, Lina laughed half-heartedly, and when Natty asked her a question about advanced potions, she chatted, yet was reticent in carrying on conversation. She was spaced out, unable to follow the Gryffindors' banter. She could feel the paths her tears had traced down her face the night before. She could feel Garreth's arms around her, holding her as she cried. She could hear his comforting words, swimming about in her brain. Garreth. Did he want an antidote for the amortentia? This question plagued her mind, an incurable sickness that left her weak and confused. 

"Hey, Lina!" Natty waved a hand in front of her face, snapping Evangeline back to reality. "We're heading back now."

Lina blinked, before jumping up and helping to pack away. Snacks were finished, blankets were folded, tubs were placed back in the basket, and so the four began the trek back to the Weasley home. 

Garreth was hyper-aware of Lina's absent mind. Even though they were walking side by side, less than a metre apart, she was miles away, and had been since this morning. "You'd better not have forgotten our big match on Monday," He joked, hoping to bring back the Lina he knew and loved. 

A small smile played on her lips, knowing exactly what Garreth was trying to do. It worked. "I'll try to not go too easy on you, Weasley," she told him.

"You say that every time, yet I always end up winning. I think you need to sort out your tactics, Clarke," he laughed. Noticing Lina was starting to perk up, he carried on. "I'm the one who should be going easy on you Ravenclaws."

"Oh, shush! Our team is getting better," She said convincingly. "If Everett could actually catch, we would be winning every game." Garreth chuckled and Lina joined in, her smile becoming less and less tainted with her internal burden.

"When Clopton manages to catch the quaffle, I will shave my head," he announced rather cockily.

"Now I'm hoping he doesn't catch it! Sorry Gare, but I don't think you'd suit a buzz."The pair laughed, and Garreth's arm snaked its way over Lina's shoulders, who smiled a little sadly. 

Fresh white flakes began to float down from the pale clouds above, stinging like cold fire on their cheeks. The Weasley home began to appear, smoke curling into the air from a tall brick chimney, more of these pale flakes collecting on the window panes and roof like a soft, muffling blanket. Even though it was only November, snow wasn't uncommon and it welcomed Lina home like a bear hug. 

Accidents Happen ∙ Garreth WeasleyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum