sleep over

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Zenaku pov:
I was uncomfortable as two pairs of eyes scanned me from head to toe 'what did i get myself into' i thought to myself as i avoid eye contact "dad and star both of you stop glaring at my friend like that you are making him uncomfortable" lux said "well he better not hurt my daughter" the Oreo themed guy said i was still avoiding eye contact i have to admit i never felt this nervous well maybe i did when father called me to his office after i broke one of the vases he have in the castle and hid it away i really thought he caught me but later i found out he called me to ask about school report he never found out what happened to the vase even till now

Anyway i am sure you guys wondering how did i ended up in such position well

After i told lux that my father agreed and she said that one of her parents will be picking us up from our meeting spot

So i arrived about 15 min earlier and waited for her to show up I was wearing a different outfit and crown this time
The crown:

So i arrived about 15 min earlier and waited for her to show up I was wearing a different outfit and crown this time The crown:

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The outfit:

About five minutes of waiting lux showed up with her parent which was the one i met before Lux was wearing a dressThe dress:

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

About five minutes of waiting lux showed up with her parent which was the one i met before
Lux was wearing a dress
The dress:

About five minutes of waiting lux showed up with her parent which was the one i met before Lux was wearing a dressThe dress:

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Compared to her i looked more like 'going to a royal ball' than a sleepover but i would never change my style for anyone

Our meeting spot was in the park inside underswap since they were already on surface
"Wow you look good zen and that crown is so cool that i want one too" lux said the second she reached me "oh um..thanks? You look good too" i said awkwardly i was uncomfortable with her dad whom was staring at me for awhile he seems to notice my discomfort "oh you had grown since the last time i saw you " he said "anyway do you want to get ice cream before we go home? " he continues "ice cream yay!! " lux shouted childishly and i couldn't help but smile " sure why not" so we head straight to the ice cream truck and waited for our turns " i will take that purple berry flavor " lux said "dark chocolate" i said so he got us the ice cream and handed over to us so he could pay for it " thanks papa" lux said and i followed "thanks mr.dream " he looked at me " you can call me uncle dream " he said as he patted my head " ok uncle dream " I said with a small smile then started eating my ice cream as i thought to myself 'only if he know that i am really his nephew i wonder what would he have done'

After we finished uncle dream teleported us to their house and lux grabbed my hand and dragged he inside as we enter i was met by her father and older brother which glared at me the minute i stepped a foot inside

Uncle dream left us to prepare some snacks while lux drag me to the living room and we got followed by her father and brother and that's what leaves us in the current position

"StarCross can you plug the game set up"
"Alright " he got up to do what lux asked "so ah-" I shut myself mid-sentence as cross glared at me I took a deep breath he wasn't as terrifying as father but he was making me nervous " what game are we going to play? " I asked innocently trying not to sound awkward "well  gta five ,jump force ,fifa and minecraft " StarCross said as he started the PlayStation on the TV

  " oh " I said I did recognise the names a bit but I don't remember the games that much from my past life "let's play minecraft first !!!" Lux shouted " I am in then" her father Mr Cross said "me too" starcross joined in " how do you play that?" I asked they stared at me as if I had grown a second head

" well you have to mine  materials and craft weapons and armour you can win the game by killing the ender dragon in the end" lux explained

"I can creat an account for you" starcross offered " oh really thanks " I thanked him as he started  making an account for me "user name?" He asked

"a_walking_akuma" I said yes I chose that name he wrote the name and let me type the password and like that the four of us start playing minecraft 

"wow you sure that's your first time playin? " starCross asked as he saw me fighting some blazes in the neither world "ya it just need some focus" so far we were counting everyone death count starCross died twice, lux died four times and cross died about eight times meanwhile zenaku was the only one who didn't die even a single time "you are speed running the game at this point" lux commented as she used some blocks to shelter her from blazes attacks "speed run you say? " zen smirks

" i am pretty sure if it wasn't that i waits for you guys to revive to give you your items i would have finished the game in less than 30 min probably " he said "at this point i agree" StarCross said " especially dad he died eight times already" lux said with a small giggle which in return got a groan as a reply  one thing zenaku learned and that is cross is suck at video games

it took them about an hour to collect the endereyes and blaze rods then find the portal eight now they are fighting the so called ender dragon

"I need a water bucket!!! " cross screamed as a bunch of endermen where attacking him

"Dad right here" lux said and cross ran her direction to the middle of the water to avoid the endermen 

"Be Careful of the dragon " i shouted to warn cross and lux of the ender dragon whom was flying towards them meanwhile starcross was snipping it from above
The manged to dodge the attack by running away i took the chance and used some beds to damage the dragon and attacked him using my axe since his hp already low i managed to finally kill him
"Yes finally" i said "nice we defeated it in less than five minutes" starcross commented "you are a pro gamer i swear" he added "i knew you were talented in alot of things but who knows you were also talented in games to this extent" lux commented as well "haha" i laughed awkwardly at the comments not really sure how to react

"You should play with me more" starcross said then added "its good to have someone good at games to play with" the was a groan from someone sitting close by and a soft chuckle from another "well i will see if i can, I can't promise with my strict father tho" i said ofc i can't know for sure if my father would agree or not but lets hope for the best "ok lets play something else " lux shouted already excited "what about board games instead?" Mr cross who was still grumpy about dying many times asked "sure, why not" i said

"Oh come on" "only pros can survive dad " star cross smirked as cross payed him with the game currency we were playing some game where you puy lands and draw cards with challenges we have been playing for about four hours now each hour we would change the game and it was safe to say they warmed up to me and i was winning again "it's not fair how do you keep winning each game" lux asked grumpily "i am just do whatever without hesitation " i replied "bul-" cross was about to say but one glare from dream made him shut it

By 11 p.m me , lux and star were forced to go to sleep and star was going to sleep with both me and lux not that I will complain tho it much more comfortable like that

"Goodnight" lux said as she covered herself on her bed while me and star slept on the floor using sleeping bags "night" I replied as I got myself comfortable and star cross was already sleeping like a rock

It was a good day tho I enjoyed my time forgetting about my mission
I fell in a dreamless  slumber


I am not dead yet
And sorry if the chap didn't make sense I never went to a sleep over sooo ya
And plus it was a rushed chapter


Who knows where the plot is going cause I don't 🙂

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 26 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

reborn as mercilessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें