"Majes.." he saw a man with a man in a crusader uniform holding a knife, next to the king's bed. Without thinking, her body moved on its own, running towards the big man, stepping forward, trying to protect her king.

"Guy?" she squealed seeing the man's face in the semi-darkness. He pushed her against the wall, covered her mouth with his hand and put the knife to her throat

"If you make another sound, I'll cut your throat" tears started to run in her eyes trying to scream. In her hands she held the inkwell she had taken from Baldwin's table and struck him with it, breaking it. He backed away, ink running down his forehead like black blood.

"What's wrong? Rebecca?" Baldwin had awakened, but all to him was darkness.

"They're trying to kill the king. Help. Someone..." she yelled before he grabbed her again "I warned you not to yell again"

"Leave her, Guy," said Balian who ran into the room with Raymond

"You tried to assassinate the king?" The regent asked him

"You mean the leper" the two men remained motionless, since they didn't know "The Sibyl told me everything. The king was a leper from an early age. It's a miracle he lived until now. Death is the only thing that will redeem him" she held the Rebecca by her long hair and pulled it "And this king's harlot knew everything and said nothing"

"I knew nothing," she cried, "I never saw him without a mask. He never told me."

"Leave her," Baldwin said from the bed, unable to move his body or get up "She is not to blame for anything. Nor do you have the right to call her something she is not. She knew nothing."

"You told me the throne would never be mine. The throne has been mine since I married Sibyl. I had to sit while you were far from here. With the other sick ones like you."

"Whether sick, or leper, or dead" said Raymond walking up to him "Baldwin is our king" he drew his sword "I will follow his orders even after his death. Now, let the girl go, or my sword will be the last thing you see" He released her and she crawled to Baldwin's bed, crying and trying to protect him, clutching at his white comforter.

"Your majesty, I request permission to behead the traitor" Raymond said holding his sword close to Guy's neck

"No you don't have her" Baldwin said making everyone in the room look at him strangely

"But your majesty. This man tried to assassinate you"

"If I kill him, Sibyl will never forgive me. I don't know if I'll wake up in the morning anyway."

"As you wish your majesty" Raymond said and put the sword in its sheath "Get out of my sight before I change my mind" Guy glared at them and left the room

"Raymond" said Baldwin "I want you to stop this civil war. I don't want to die and have a divided people" Raymond felt his eyes water "Even now, you think of your people and not your health" he drew his sword and bowed beside the bed holding it "It was my honor to fight by your side and to serve such a good leader, these eleven years of my life. I will support your wishes even when you are no longer with us" he Baldwin didn't speak he just nodded his head as much as he could.

Raymond rubbed his wet eyes, bowed and nodded for Balian to follow him outside.Rebecca approached Baldwin and sat on her knees on the scarlet carpet beside his headboard. He turned his face away, staring into space even though his face was turned towards her "Rebecca? Are you still here?"

 "Yes, here I am your majesty" she told him stroking his mask.

"I don't see you. I don't see anything" the tears didn't stop rolling down her cheeks.

"Why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you seek medical attention?"

"Did you know before Guy said it?"

"I wasn't sure. I had seen your books while I was cleaning your room. I didn't realize it at first, until I put all the pieces together and saw the truth. Why didn't you help yourself? Why?" She called out crying.

"There was no cure, no treatment. I loved you, Rebecca, that's why I didn't want you to know. I didn't want to see the pity and compassion in your eyes. I don't want you to cry for me now either."Rebecca brought her lips to the mask and kissed him one last time before resting her head on his chest, crying. He raised his hand with difficulty, with the strength he had left, and stroked her hair.

Sibylla entered the room and Rebecca stood up and bowed "What happened?" Baldwin asked in a low voice "Princess Sibyl is here"Sibyl approached her brother and took his hand in hers

"Sibyl, my beautiful sister. I'm sorry for hurting you. I tried to protect you and the kingdom"

"You don't need to apologize. I know why you did it. It's my fault. I told Guy the truth when our father and William had asked us to keep it a secret. I have to apologize. I didn't expect him to try to kill you."

"Do you think that by fighting for our religion and forgiving our enemies, we will have a place in the Kingdom of Heaven?"

"I'm sure of it" she said smiling as her eyes filled with tears.

"Fine..." His voice came out like a breath, letting his soul escape his lips. He turned his head and closed his eyes.

Sibyl kissed the forehead of his mask, weeping, and Rebecca fell to her knees behind her, sobbing. Her strength could not hold her with the unhappiness and sorrow she felt overwhelming her.

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