Chapter 1

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Inside the dark chamber only the small flames of the candles gave some light, while the heavy curtains were drawn. King Amarlic I did not want even the slightest ray of sunlight in his room, since the very high fever made his eyes hurt at the slightest light.

By his side were his servants and most faithful generals, as well as his most faithful servant, William of Tyre. He turned his head with great difficulty, the pain all over his body making it difficult for him to move, while the intense headache opened his eyes.

"William" he whispered and the archdeacon put his ear to the quivering lips of his king so he could hear him "Bring me... Baldwin... I want to see him... One last time"

"But, my Lord, Baldwin is—"

"Bring him to me" his breath sounded like his soul was leaving his lips, William knew his King didn't have much time. He asked the servants who were in the room to bring the prince, he did not want to leave Amori's side, in the last minutes of his life.

The servant returned to the room, escorting the then only thirteen year old Prince Baldwin. The boy looked at his father more in wonder than pain at his short loss. He was too young to realize Death's existence in the room.

"Balduin... My only son. Come... Sit beside me... One more time" The servant held the young prince by the shoulders as he let him go. His blond hair was the color of the Judean desert, his eyes were as blue as the clearest sky that Jerusalem had ever seen, while the mark on his face showed the illness of this unfortunate prince. He sat on the bed next to his father, looking into the blue eyes he had inherited.

His father raised his trembling hand, resting it on the scarred cheek. "My beloved son, Baldwin, King of Jerusalem" were his last words, before Death took his soul from his diseased body. it fell to his purple quilt and William touched the veins in his wrist, seeing that there was no longer a pulse.

"The King is dead" he raised his eyes, looking at Baldwin "Long live the King" Baldwin fell upon his father's lifeless, cold body, crying, understanding the meaning of Death.

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