Yandere Bully (Male Suicidal Depressed Reader) ⚠️Major Mature Themes

Start from the beginning

I get shoved off the sidewalk into the mud and sigh as the notorious school bullies rummages through my backpack and dump the contents out into the mud as I hold my anger in and just shoot glares at them each and leave me alone with my broken umbrella.


I grab my muddy stuff and happy I began to put my work into a folder inside my binder and bought a waterproof backpack and pencil bag after the 1st time.

??: "Hey nerd. Here."

I look up to see Junko with a hand stretched out to me and I just brush it off and grab my broken umbrella.

"Just leave me alone Junko. I'm not in the mood for shenanigans."

Junko was my first bully but not serious as the others. Just copying my work and wanting at least half of my lunch money or whatever I could give her and most of the time it was weird favors like having me over her house to sit on my back. All sorts of weird demands as later I learned she was regarded as the queen of the school and lately a bunch of people in her group were targeting me seeing me as easy pickings.

Junko: "At least slow down. I don't want you to get a cold."

"A cold is the least of my worries. One of these days I'm just gonna go."

Junko: "Like leave the town? Not a bad idea really."

"You think so? No stay here and be with me?"

Junko: "As we both can see your life is utter shit and could really use a do over. Leaving could get you the motivation to start a new clean slate."

'I don't want a clean slate. I just want to be done with the current one.'

I turned around ready to just leave Junko until she grabbed my hand and looked at me with a stern face.

Junko: "Listen I know showing and talking about my feelings but your dirty and need to clean up and I know those guys took your money for the bus. I can give you a ride back home but we have to head to my home."

'Dirty in more then one way....'

Junko: "Earth to nerd."

"Not like I have a choice."

I follow Junko as it did give me more then an excuse to not head home as I would eventually run into my aunt. I hated my family and wished to see them dead. She led me into her home and showed me to her bathroom.

"Can you please leave me."

Junko: "Sure whatever."

She leaves me alone as I take my clothes off and well show the mirror multiple cuts and bruises on my bare skin as I hyperventilate but steady my breathing as the bad memories are pushed back and at this point took a hot shower that almost burned my skin but still I needed to be clean.

When I finished I put on a fresh new clothes that I had hid in a secret pocket in my backpack and saw Junko browsing my phone.

"Hey hey that's not allowed to scroll through."

Junko: "What? Afraid I might find porn on it? Trust me when it comes from people like you it won't phase me."

"How are we friends? Or even remotely friends."

Junko: "We're friends that provide benefits to each other. Your life would be more of a living hell if it wasn't for me and you help tutor me for subjects that I don't understand plus who else lets you use their bathroom free of charge."

I grumble as I slip on my shoes and she looks almost weary taking me home and I thought she knew something but I wanted to get out of her home. I was weary of everyone near me.

Yandere Various Version.2Where stories live. Discover now