Chapter 9

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Midoriya struggles holding all his art supplies as he makes his way out of the dorm building. Using his back, he pushes against the door to open it and nearly falls on his face when the wind grabs it and swings it open. Taking a deep breath, he checks the ground to make sure nothing fell before nodding to himself and walking towards the now familiar red Mercedes.

Todoroki suddenly pops out the driver's side wearing a t-shirt and jeans, looking sexier than should be illegal, and rounds his car before jogging up and meeting Midoriya halfway.

"Here, let me help." He reaches his hands out, looking at all the materials. Despite Midoriya's protests, Todoroki takes the large canvases and easel, leaving Midoriya with his backpack and duffle bag of paints, brushes and other various forms of coloring.

"I could've handled it." Midoriya pouts with a light blush, ignoring how Todoroki's muscles flex as he situates the items in his arms.

"Oh hush." Todoroki responds, a pleased smirk on his face. Not long after, they reach Todoroki's car and put everything in the back before sliding into their respective seats.


After unloading the car into Todoroki's home, Midoriya set up the easel and a canvas while Todoroki went to the kitchen to get them each a glass of water. When he returns to the living room, Midoriya looks up, finding the man already smiling wide.

"So, what did you end up getting?" Todoroki asks, offering a cup to Midoriya before sitting on the couch and taking a sip.

"Well, you can see I got the newest easel and a couple blank canvases." Midoriya gestures to his display before pointing to the duffle bag on the ground. "I also got a bunch of paints, brushes, charcoal crayons and pencils." He goes to take a drink of his water while glancing back up at Todoroki.

"Great, I'm glad." Todoroki crosses one leg over the other. "And you're happy with them? Are they good quality?"

Midoriya nods enthusiastically. "Yeah! Top of the line, actually." He blushes and rubs at the back of his neck.

"Good, that's what I would want you to get." Todoroki's eyes are fixated on the easel while he takes another slow sip. Midoriya watches him, stomach churning at the intensity in his stare.

It's quiet for a couple moments as the two enjoy their beverages. Then Todoroki stands and reaches his hand out, taking Midoriya's empty glass and heads to the kitchen, while the student stands in the middle of the living room.

"How much school work do you have to do?" Todoroki asks when he returns.

"Um, some history and the English essay." Midoriya fiddles with his fingers. "I have an art project too, but I left that at my dorm. That's not due for another two weeks." Todoroki hums, then looks around the room.

"Well, why don't you use my computer for a little while and get what you have left done." Midoriya's eyes widen.

"D-Don't you have work today though?"

Todoroki nods. "I do, but not for a couple hours. And I don't have much to prep anyway. So you take my computer and I think I will take a nap."

Midoriya raises an eyebrow. "A... nap?"

"Yep." Todoroki pops the p and makes his way over to his desk and turns the computer on. "I'll make you a separate profile on the desktop so none of my work gets in your way. I get several notifications throughout the day, and not that I don't trust you, but I think it'll just be easier." Todoroki makes said account as he talks. Midoriya slowly moves and looks over Todoroki's shoulder.

Then, a clear blue screen comes up with small icons spread across it. Todoroki steps away and motions toward the desk chair, which Midoriya sits in carefully.

My Teacher?|| TododekuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang