Intro Chapter

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My name is Alexis Johnson and I am a werewolf. I have dark brown curly hair, leaf green eyes, and tan skin. In my wolf form, I am a black wolf with white patches on my chest, my left eye, and my paws and I have green eyes. I am 16 turning 17 in April. I have two moms. Their names are Tammy and Emily. They are different then most werewolves because they are mates. No one has ever heard of two women or two males being mates. Usually its a man and a woman. They sometimes get weird looks from people in our pack but mostly everyone has excepted it by now. Especially because our Alpha James told everyone to leave them be. My moms wanted to have a baby but they couldn't. They asked around if anyone would be willing to be a donor, but of course most men already had their mates or didn't want too. Someone eventually stepped forward to be a donor. My moms never told me who my father was. I have two best friends named Amber and Campbell. We have been friends since we were 4. We met in Junior Kindergarten. I was a very shy kid back then and I still am. I didn't want to go talk to anyone and they came and talked to me. Ever since then they have been my only friends. I found my mate Shawn a little earlier than most. Mates have this special connection. You can talk to each other through your minds and feel what each other feels but we can block each other if necessary.

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