Sleepover Part 1

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*Little bit of back story*
   So Y/n and Thomas were close friends and would always call each other pet names, and Y/n was also the babysitter of 3 year old Ava, they always have sleepovers but they'ers always someone there, if its Thomas or Y/n's parents or if its even lil Ava. Theres always someone there. Soon enough they both realize they have feelings for each other. There parents have always tried to get them together and they finally get there alone time and who knows what would happen. But what would happen if they had a sleepover alone for a whole weekend? With no one but each other? Read to find out!!!


{Y/N's POV}
   I was on my wat to Thomas' house like always for our sleepover sense my parents aren't going to be in town for the weekend. 'But this time I'm finally gonna tell him! I'm finally gonna confess to my best friend! It might be awhile till I tell him though sense his parents are going camping which means he an I are gonna have to babysit Ava. But most likely means I won't get the time to tell him how I feel.... But whats the point in telling him he's my best friend and he most likely wants to keep it that way.' I made it to Thomas' house and was about to knock as the door opened to reveal Tasha and Mark with there bags packed. Tasha was quite suprised to see me "Oh Y/n I didn' know you we're coming so early, please come in" I walked inside as Mark put there bags in the car, I seen Thomas on the couch watching a movie with Ava, he finally noticed I was there. "Y/n hey," He said as he gave me a hug. "Y/N!!!!" I heard Ava call out. Thomas and I turned to see her tiny excited face, "Hi hun, are you ready for a movie marathon with Thomas and I?" I asked with a smile "Actually Ava's coming with us. Your parent's and I have talked about it and we think you two deserve sometime together. Suprise!" Tasha said as she picked up Ava. 'Our parents always ship us and I still hate to admit it but I fell in there trap and fell in love with him' I smiled as well as Thomas as he hugged me tighter "Sweet! We finally get to watch that horror movie that just came out!" "Great," I say trying not to look or sound scared but obviously failed as he seen right through me and laughed "Well, ok kids we'll be on our way now. Bye" "Bye bye Tommy! Bye bye Y/n/n! and with that they left with Ava waving through the car window and seconds later they were out of sight.

"Ugh finally we get to hang out without anyone bothering us! This weekend is gonna be great, am I right!?"

"You sure are Tommy! But I'm gonna change into my pajamas first, ok?"

"Ya of course! I'll do the same"

I went into the bathroom and changed into a camisole and matching shorts that were my favorite color, while Tommy went to his room. To be honest I was actually scared about the movie we were gonna watch sense it was a horror movie and I'm most likely gonna embarrass myself infront of him, I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch while I wait for Thomas, as I'm wait I see the movie were about to watch 'Huesera: The Bone Woman' (I was on google and it said that, that is the scariest movie, so I used it. Back to the story) I heard that it was the number one scariest movies made this year. "Scared?" Thomas asked walking out of his room wearing grey sweats and no top 'HOLYYY!!! HE IS FI- SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!!!!!' "W-what?! Oh.... m-maybe" I say sinking into the couch. "You ok over there?" he asked with a chuckle "Y-ya I'm fine. Maybe, just maybe I might...... a bit scared," I say as I mumble the last part "What did you say?" he asked with a smirk. I pulled my knees up to my chest as he got closer to me, "Are you scared?" he asked while sounding a little serious I looked up at him and nodded "Awe, don't be scared, hang on." he then ran to the kitchen and gots some of our favorite snacks and a giant  blanket. He set down the snacks infront of us on the coffee table and sat on the couch pulling me into his chest wraping the blanket over us, I was glad the lights were off so he couldn't see my tomato colored face. "See your safe now cutie, now lets start the movie!"he said cuddling me close to him. But all I know is, this is just the begining.

*Author's Note*
   Hi everyone I just want to say thank you to ANarratedBattle for they're stories for inspiring me to start this oneshot! If there are any request please let me know if there are any characters please again let me know! An as always stay safe and your all beautiful/handsome!

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