Chapter One.

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it was the year 1991, nearly ten years after Harry and Moira had been left atop the front steps of the Dursleys.
The loud screech of Aunt Petunia's voice boomed, followed along by three loud bangs to the door on the closet underneath the stairs.
"Up! Get up! Now!"
a few clicks sounded as Aunt Petunia unlocked the three locks on the door, and emerging from the small room, came harry.
Medium height, scrawny, circular glasses; scar still intact.
he rubbed his eyes below his glasses, and stretched.
"Get a move on, Potter! I don't want Dudley's birthday breakfast burnt!"
Harry sighed and moved to the kitchen, as Aunt Petunia turned to another door across the hallway.
She burst through the door, slamming her fist against the washer machine, loudly.
"Rise and shine!" she boomed, the sarcasm prominent in her voice.
tucked in the corner was a small girl, buried underneath a sleeping bag.
she arose slowly, fumbling for her glasses before shoving them on her face.
she looked to the lady at the doorway, whom was now frantically shoving clothes into the washer and dryer.
"Chop chop, we have no time to spare. go help your brother in the kitchen, Moira."
The girl began to walk, but was stopped short by her mother's sister gripping her shirt tightly in her fist.
"Now you listen here, you little brat. if you mess up one thing on my darling's birthday, you'll regret it everyday for the rest of your life."
Moira looked up at Petunia, then down at her feet.
without hesitation, Potter slammed her feet down on Aunt Petunia's.
with a shriek Aunt Petunia let go of her shirt, and Moira ran through the kitchen door.
"How dare you-!" Petunia was cut short in revenge against the trouble maker, when she caught sight of her son, standing in front of his overflowing pile of presents.
Moira moved beside her twin Harry, as they eyed their cousin, who was eyeing his presents.
"Is there- only thirty six?" Dudley asked, in disgust.
Moira began flipping the pancakes on the stove, watching them turn to a golden brown.
"Dudley, honey. you haven't counted Auntie Marge's present! see, thirty seven."
Dudley's face turned to a dark red, and harry could sense a new dudley tantrum coming on.
"Only thirty seven? that's one less than last year!" Dudley screamed, clenching his hands into fists.
"Alright alright, it's okay, it's okay! We will buy you two more presents! how's that? two more than last year?" Aunt Petunia cooed at the bratty boy, as he calmed down.
"fine." he said, turning on his heel.
Harry rolled his eyes and helped his sister take the pancakes off the stove, as Aunt Petunia snatched them from his hand, bringing them to Dudley.
"How about we steel a piece of the kids birthday candy? its not like the fatty's gonna notice anyway." Moira said, snatching a small piece of chocolate from the bowl.
she shoved the chocolate in her mouth as Aunt Petunia rounded the corner into the kitchen.
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The 'family' loaded into the car, but Harry and Moira were stopped by Mr. Dursley.
"Im warning you two. I'm warning you now. Any funny business and you'll be in your rooms from now until christmas." He spoke clearly, his face near to Harry and Moira.
"We're not going to do anything, honestly..." Harry was interrupted by his sister.
"Besides, being locked in our rooms is better than having to see you three everyday." Moira said bitterly, biting on her fingernails.
Uncle Vernon was about to scold Moira, but was stopped by Dudley telling him to hurry up.
"Next time, Potter. i'll get you next time." Vernon hissed, clambering into the drivers seat.
The twins looked to each other, their eyes wide.
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the five of them loaded into the zoo, Dudley leading, and Harry and Moira closely behind him.
They walked into the reptile house, and Moira immediately cringed.
"Ew. i hate snakes." she whispered to Harry.
Dudley made his way to the largest snake in the room.
the snake was resting behind a glass wall, and didnt move as Dudley banged against it.
"Wake up! Wake up, stupid!" Dudley yelled, still banging against the glass.
"Dudley stop! it's sleeping!" Moira said, watching the snake.
Dudley shook his head and walked away, going to see some of the other reptiles.
The snake's eyes opened, eyeing the twins.
it winked.
an animal.
The twins stared at the snake, and Harry looked around to see if anyone was watching, luckily no one was.
The snake pointed its head toward uncle vernon and dudley.
"i get that all the time." the snake hissed.
Moira's eyes widened.
"I know." Harry replied. "It must be really annoying."
the snake nodded.
"Where do you come from, anyway?" Moira questioned.
the snake pointed its tail at the sign next to the glass.
Boa Constrictor, Brazil.
From behind them, Dudley ran up, knocking Harry and Moira to the floor.
Dudley had his hands against the glass, when all of a sudden, he fell forward.
he had fallen into the room with the snake.
were did the glass go?
The snaked uncurled itself, and began to slither out of the cage.
"Brazil, here i come. Thankssss..." The snake said, Eyeing Moira and Harry.
"No problem..." Harry said, While Moira just nodded.
Dudley stood up, only to be held back by the glass.
how'd it get back?
Dudley screamed and banged against the glass, while the twins giggled underneath their breaths.
Uncle Vernon turned to face the twins, and evil, disgusted look crept upon his face.
He lunged at the boy and girl, as Moira stood up to attempt to make a break for it.
Sadly, he caught her, and he gripped Harry by his dark black hair, And Moira by her light blue shirt.
"you're going to regret this, you two; whatever you just did back there." Uncle Vernon said coldly, shaking his head.
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