"You guys don't think that's a little bit suspicious?"

Elara and Clary both turned their gaze towards the girl, looking confused to which made Maureen sigh and continue "You not knowing about your family? Your mom could be hiding some deep, dark secrets."

Elara let out a loud laugh and leaned into Clary's side "Are we talking about the same Jocelyn here? She's incapable of concealing anything from Clare, she definitely tells her everything."

"Elara is right, again" Clary chuckled while running her fingers through the brunettes hair, almost causing Elara to fall asleep from the feeling but forced herself to keep her eyes open. Clary and Elara had always been close and affectionate, especially growing up together, of course they have their annoying moments, but all best friends do.

"Of course I'm right" Elara hummed in amusement "I'm Elara fucking Lewis"


Throughout the gig Elara couldn't help but notice the loving gaze Simon was sending Clary all the while Maureen was sending the same look towards her brother. She couldn't quite grasp how both Clary and Simon were so oblivious towards the look of Love. But then again, unrequited love was always painful to witness.

The moment the gig ended and the four of them began their decent towards the van once more Elara felt the awkwardness lift away from her, beginning to fully breath again.

"Thanks for being our roadie guys." Maureen smiled towards the girls as they finally reached the Van. Elara immediately sat down and sighed, sending the girl a small smile.

"Yeah, Elara didn't really have a choice." Simon spoke up and chuckled when she saw Elara glaring at him. "And thank you Clary for being our artist and residence" He soon continued while taking his shirt off to change it.

Elara smirked as she saw the look upon Clary's face, her mind already moving to plan the wedding between them both. Clary immediately caught her look as she blushed slightly and shook her head.

"So, you went on stage as Champagne Enema?" The redhead cleared her throat while Maureen and Simon both chuckled at the name they had chosen for their band.

"I have no idea what the both of you were thinking." Elara mused as she shook her head gently "Thank god you're changing it."

"Exactly." Simon agreed "We're Rock Solid Panda now."

Elara sent Simon a deadpanned look as she slowly shook her head at the naming decision, but he only patted her head. "You'll get used to it dear sister"

"shut up."

"Rock Solid Panda, coming up" Clary hummed, ignoring the siblings bickering as she picked up one of her spray paints "I'm feeling inspired." A smirk arose onto her lips as she walked around to the side of the van.

Elara stood up and looked between the remaining two "Take the sprays." She ordered as she handed them over before the trio walked around to meet the redhead. The brunette not wanting to waste her time took out her phone and earphones to pass the time, listening to random songs and scrolling through her social media.

Roughly 10 minutes later Elara felt a tap upon her shoulders and her earphones being pulled away from her causing the girl to look over towards her brother. "yes?"

Dead Of Night - Jace Wayland Where stories live. Discover now