"Okay. Your turn JiMin." SeokJin spoke up, directing JiMin to explain his side. "Tae is just mad because he didn't use the codes and I did." JiMin grumbled out. "It's cheating JiMin!" TaeHyung started to raise his voice again. "No its not!" JiMin said back just as loud. "Fuck! Shut up! Why are you guys always yelling?" YoonGi snapped as his headache quickly turned into a migraine. The three watching from the kitchen jumped in place. YoonGi rarely ever raised his voice, he never really needed to. "You're playing favorites YoonGi. Should I let you fuck me too so you'll take my side?" JiMin spoke angrily. Hurt flashes across YoonGi's eyes. "Ya. JiMin-ah! I said language!" SeokJin yelled. YoonGi turned and walked to his room leaving a pissed off JiMin and an upset TaeHyung. His door slamming could be heard throughout the house. The three onlookers then looked at each other shocked at JiMin's outburst. SeokJin sighed. "Go to your rooms and cool off until someone calls you." Both TaeHyung and JiMin went to their respective rooms. "And don't slam those doors!" SeokJin yelled before they could slam them.

     "JungKook help me in the kitchen. Take over where YoonGi left off. I'll tell you what to do." SeokJin spoke calmly. "Okay." JungKook responded as he got up and washed his hands before getting started. NamJoon and HoSeok looked at each other. "What the fuck was that?" HoSeok whispered. "I don't know." NamJoon shook his head. "Family meeting tonight after they've calmed down." NamJoon continued. "Should we check on YoonGi Hyung? I mean what was with JiMin attacking him like that?" HoSeok asked. "I'm not sure Hobi." NamJoon said back.

-YoonGi's Room-

     YoonGi laid back on his bed in the dark his arm over his face. 'Why the fuck would JiMin say that? Does he think that way of me? Do they all see me like that? Just some heartless asshole?' The questions flooded his thoughts and YoonGi's migraine worsened. "Why can't I get shit right?" YoonGi breathed out to himself, his voice cracking and trailing off at the end. The throbbing in his head continued.

*Knock Knock*

     "What?" YoonGi spoke sternly just wishing his migraine would ease up. His door opened. "Why is it so dark in here?" JungKook mumbled. "Hyungie, food is ready." JungKook spoke up. "I'm not hungry. Eat without me." YoonGi spoke back. JungKook sighed then closed his door. 'Fuck. Why are they even with me? I'm such an asshole.' YoonGi thought as he rolled onto his stomach and pulled his pillow over to him hoping he could fall asleep and sleep off the pain in his head and now his heart.

-JiMin's Room-

     "Fuck, why did I say that? Ugh..." JiMin groaned to himself.

*Knock Knock*

     "Mini, food is ready. Come eat." JungKook called. JiMin sighed. I should apologize to Hyung. I shouldn't of said what I said. JiMin groaned. "I'll be out in a minute." JiMin called back. *sigh* 'Hyung was so angry. Will he even forgive me or talk to me? I didn't mean what I said. I was just angry and Tae and Kookie always get their way. How is that fair? I always lose playing games with them. I just wanted to win once.' "Ugh...." JiMin groaned and mumbled as he stood from the floor of his room.

-TaeHyung's Room-

     'Does Mini think that YoonGi Hyung and I had sex and that's why he was.... That doesn't make any sense. Does he think that I have sex to get what I want? Why? Does he hate me?' TaeHyung groaned as his thoughts were all over the place. He and JiMin have always been so close, soulmates even. They are the same age and they usually fought together not against each other. They had occasional fights of course and bickering back and forth, teasing each other, who doesn't? But this... He was cruel. 'Did he mean what he said?' TaeHyung was having a hard time controlling his thoughts.

*Knock Knock*

     "Come eat." JungKook called. "I'll be out in a minute." TaeHyung called back. He stood up from his bed and walked to the bathroom to wash his face. He didn't want them to know he had cried.

-Dinning Room-

     All of the members were sitting around the table, it was quiet aside from food being passed around. They all occasionally stole glances at each other but everyone noticed the empty seat. JiMin bit his lip. "Is YoonGi Hyung going to eat? Shouldn't we wait for him?" JiMin finally asked, softly. NamJoon wasn't happy with JiMin and what he said. After JungKook told him that he told the boys that were in their room's that food was ready, but that YoonGi refused to come and said he wasn't hungry, he knew that JiMin's words had to of hurt him badly. Why wouldn't they? NamJoon sighed, "Eat your food JiMin." NamJoon spoke sternly. "Hyungie said he wasn't hungry." JungKook whispered to him. SeokJin furrowed his brows. HoSeok sat quietly picking at his food. "Finish eating. Family meeting tonight." NamJoon said as he picked up his dishes and put them in the sink. "Tae, you and I will clean up after everyone is done." NamJoon said as he walked back to his room to get his book to read while he's waiting for the others to finish. "Okay." TaeHyung spoke softly.

     JiMin could see that TaeHyung was upset. His eyes were red and puffy. 'Had he been crying?' JiMin thought and he couldn't stand the idea. "Tae..." JiMin softly called TaeHyung. "Can we talk?" JiMin asked nervously. TaeHyung nodded in agreement. NamJoon came back eyeing JiMin and TaeHyung as they walked together to TaeHyung and NamJoon's shared room. "Should we check on them?" SeokJin asked NamJoon. "Lets give them a little bit. Maybe they will work it out. We will still have a family meeting." NamJoon replied and SeokJin nodded in agreement. Absolutely no one was okay with what was said.


Word Count: 1713

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