"He doesn't want it." I finally let out firmly.

With all eyes on me now, Danny smirked and nodded. "Well uh, I think that's for me to decide—don't you think?"

I snickered back, crossing my arms while feeling the power slowly come back to me.

"Oh what now? Are you gonna try to make me feel guilty about that too?"

Standing there awkwardly, Eddie then winced shyly before dipping his head low before rushing to the back room—realizing we definitely needed some time alone together.

However, chuckling through, Danny then began to look around admiring the cafe and seeing my baggage outside the door while pointing like he was fascinated by it all.

"I see you've got yourself an entourage. Just like you wanted. You must be very proud. But as far as guilt goes, I think we can both pour water over that bridge Victoria. Considering ya know, you're the one-"

"What are ya doing here Danny? I thought ya made it apparent that it'd be a cold day in LA if ya ever see me again, fella." I cut him off, hearing my former loose accent slightly kicking back into the picture alongside the man.

Oh no. I didn't mean to say it like that. It just sorta slipped out the way my past was practically knocking at my door right now.

"Well excuse me, but I might've wanted to see how much of a billboard you've become. You have made quite a name for yourself, skirt. I'm proud." He told me, walking closer to where I was holding my interviews.

What was he doing now?!

"Oh! There's a big change from the last time we spoke. Now if ya excuse me, I'm in the middle of conducting a search for a new–"

"Assistant? I know! Why do you think I'm here?" He now sat down, putting his feet up on the restaurant's table.

Oh no, no, no. How did he even know that?! Was he stalking me now?! Why?!

"I don't think so! You don't have the right to just waltz back into my life after five years and expect a job from me! Are ya nuts?! Why don't ya tell me why you're really here!" I rushed back toward him, slamming my hands onto the table while pushing his shoes off of it.

Staring to me in a bit of a glare, he agreed. "I'm being serious Victoria! I need a job. Word on the street was that you had an opening for one, so I said why not and filled out an application last night—when I got in contact with your agent Eddie back there. I figure if you pay well..."

What kind of mind games did he think he was pulling over me?

This was his last resort?! Not even likely.

"Well that's too bad because the position's already been filled!" I lied.

He eyed me closely before nodding. "Oh yeah? Then with who? The gal who keeps referring to herself in the third person outside, or the one that left you with a less than nothing impression?" My eyes widened. He smirked confidently. "I kinda overheard that last one. But! No worries, it got all smoothed over when I gave both those beauties my number for a candle lit dinner for the weekend—not on the same day obviously. That just sounds like too much work even for me to keep track of."

I knew what he was doing. I was quite surprised with how he was doing it although.

"So you're all about the women now, huh?" I put my hands on my hips.

Typical of him to stoop so low. Once a gentleman, now chases dames who probably had an IQ lower than two. Although I could understand why he was such a ladies man.

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