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It is the wedding day, I wasn't happy at all but I must marry, maybe we can divorce after, I am done with what I want. I am dressed in a beautiful traditional wedding cloth of our area, and he is also ready. My mother takes my hand in hers and we walk toward my future husband.

Harih's pov

I was feeling proud and happy, I met him 3 years ago in a ball arranged my his kingdom and always wanted to be him, he was such a cute boy, trying to be a dominant but everyone can see how he is submissive infront of me.

The room our wedding was in was beautiful, beautiful soft pink flowers were used in decoration everywhere, after their decoration they could be planted again, so this was the best choice. Our chairs or thrones were also Dark red in colour with dark brown wood amd decorated in side with those flower, the sunlight was illuminating in the room, the ray reflecting back beautifully, and my Bride or groom whatever entered, in hus beautiful clothing covering every inch of him, he looked so gorgeous.

3rd person pov

Harih took the hand of Serwi and led him to their thrones, they took wedding oathes, kissed, played sone games as part of their rituals. And finally it was the time for everyone to go home. Serwi and Harih went back home. As soon as they reached Serwi went into the room, changed his clothes hurriedly and went to kitchen to make something while Harih was watching intently,

"What are you doing?"

"Oh I thought you were hungry and tired, Master.So went to make food."

"Oh pet, come sit here." Harih said Patting at the couch near him.

"Okay Master."

"Look baby, you don't need to be here like my slave. You are also tired let's just lie in the bed and cuddle while I order food okay?"

Serwi looked up at him, as Harih scooped him into his arm carrying him to his room. They had a week off from their works as king because of the wedding.

"Master may I ask you a question please?"

"Sure ask babe."

"I was thinking that today is our night of marriage won't you want to do something to me?"

"Ohh baby I want to, but I am giving you time. Now since you said let's have some fun, get on all fours near my foot."

"Oh shit"

"What did I say about cursing?"

"Sorry Master, I will get on my all fours now."

Harih saw Serwi getting on his knees first then on his knees, sticking out his tongue.

No voice,
"I said BARK"

Serwi immediately started barking and Harih started laughing at him embarrassing him,

"So pet, you didn't obey me the first time, so be like this barking and on all fours until the delivery man comes and when he comes, I want you to open the door while being on your knees, be infront of delivery man on your knees, if you fail, you will be like this for entire night."

And then he went on using his mobile phone while seeing his pup struggling on his knees and barking. 20 min later, when Harih saw his pup had a raw voice and arched back indicating that he was too tired, he sat up and signalled him to come, and made him lie down with him,

"Baby, that's why I tell you to obey at once. Don't think we are done, you have to go to take delivery like that, but don't worry after that, I will massage you okay?"

Serwi felt an unknown happiness within him and he asked

"I am just a submissive why are you so good to be me?"

"Because you are my submissive."

Okay so yeah this was it, I know it seems like they are going fast but actually they are not you will understand everything in future, I have a really pshycopathic idea . So please vote if you liked."

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