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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter One Flamboyant Return ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter One
Flamboyant Return

❝Things are going to get real flashy!❞

YOU DIDN'T EXPECT TO BE met with this view when you returned for the new year celebration. You sighed as Nijimaru, your crow, landed on your shoulder. You stood on top of a building and watched the spider mech in the middle of the city, destroying it as people ran for their lives.

You crossed your arms and smirked, "Nijimaru, what's the situation?" You asked the crow as your eyes were glued to the mech. The said crow screamed, "Caw! That robot is destroying the city! Caw! Wukong is trapped inside with other demons! Caw!" He informed which made you sigh again. You nodded and lowered your arms, "I knew he will be in trouble. Let's get moving and make the new year start with flamboyance!" You exclaimed with excitement. Your crow flew away and you jumped down, running to the spider mech.

It didn't take you long to make your way up the mech without being spotted. You put your head on the ground and focused your hearing, sounds echoed through the walls. You stood up and pulled your swords, "They are here..." You raised the swords high up.

"Sound Breathing: First Form: Roar!" You slammed your swords down to get into the mech.


Wukong and other demons were all captured by the Spider Queen. They all were tied by the spider webs and used as source of power to the mech. Wukong rolled his eyes in annoyance as he saw Demon Bull King struggling against his restraints, "It's a shame, really. You being trapped here. No one to protect poor little Princess Iron Fan." He stated in mockery, making Bull king explode in anger as he pulled on the webs, "My wife doesn't need protecting! She will decimate all in her way!" The demon yelled, tugging on the ropes. Wukong smiled as an idea popped in his head, this sure will work.

"Oh yeah? How about your half-baked son? Spider Queen's gonna eat him alive all because you wer-..."

Before Monkey King could finish his sentence, the ceiling above them collapsed. Then, like a flash, all of the webs that held the demons were cut, freeing them all. Wukong landed on his feet as the dust started to disappear, revealing you standing with your back facing him. You put one of your swords on your shoulder and turned your head, giving Wukong a confident smirk.

 You put one of your swords on your shoulder and turned your head, giving Wukong a confident smirk

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𝙁𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃𝙔 𝙎𝙃𝘼𝘿𝙊𝙒𝙋𝙀𝘼𝘾𝙃___{Lᵐᵏ ˣ Kᶰʸ}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant