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Chapter 71

    Feeling her death stare, Evans stopped bouncing the football and exaggerated: "Oh baby, don't be so cold, don't you feel the unique enthusiasm of the desert country?" Yes, they are

    now It is located in Saudi Arabia, a Middle Eastern country, in the great desert in the south of the Arabian Peninsula.

    This is a country full of oil and yellow sand. The Rub Khali Desert is the largest mobile desert in the world. It has a typical desert tropical climate. Even in October, which has already entered autumn, the daytime temperature is as high as 50°C.

    Therefore, Tang Yiyi glanced at the scorching sun hanging outside the tent, gave Evans an unceremonious glance, and said, "I'm not enthusiastic, but I'm dying of heat, and I want to fly back now." As a declining noble family, there is no need to

    inherit The playboy of his father's enterprise, thick-skinned is only a basic skill, Evans hugged the football and smiled.

    "Don't put it that way, isn't travel just about seeing different scenery and experiencing different customs around the world? Living in high temperature is also a unique experience!" What he said made sense, and Tang Yiyi still sighed because of the heat


    A few days ago, she had just finished working on ski resorts and investing in movies. The young master of the fallen noble Valenti family heard that Tang Yiyi had bought a giant cruise ship, and seemed to plan to use it as a luxurious means of travel.

    Knowing that she had plans to travel around, Evans volunteered and proposed to visit the Middle East for a few days and participate in the Qatar Football World Cup by the way.

    Before participating in the Masters exhibition, Tang Yiyi spent a lot of money to customize mobile phones and spend 1 billion to customize cakes. He still remembers it vividly. Evans, who got along with people for a short time, noticed that Tang Yiyi loves to spend money. When he gave a travel proposal , worried that Tang Yiyi would be dissatisfied, and specifically said, "As long as you have enough budget, I can let you experience the life of a Middle Eastern royal family." So

    Tang Yiyi came and was sitting in the big tent of a certain Saudi prince , breathing the dry and scorching air, and the soft sand under the carpet under your feet.

    It is indeed the extravagant life of the royal family, because although they are in a desert tent, strictly speaking, they are still in a desert hotel opened by a royal prince.

    The Rub Khali Desert has a huge temperature difference between day and night, and the wind is also strong. It is extremely easy to roll up sandstorms and is not suitable for people to live in. However, the prince Evans knows is an avid explorer, and he said he wants to experience the Semitic ancestors. They traveled across the desert to live in the desert, and built a desert hotel directly on the flat land of the desert willfully.

    The hotel adopts an advanced conceptual design, and the whole is a silver cube with a sense of technology. A section of the cube also derives a fully transparent glass corridor, which occupies a very large area. In order to meet the requirements of the prince who wants to live in the desert, the hotel will spread out. The promenade is filled with sand, directly creating a thousand-square-foot mini-desert, and the tents are set up to directly become guest rooms for hotel guests.

    It not only meets the needs of tourists who want to live in the desert to experience the Arabian style, but also ensures the safety of passengers. After all, it is very dangerous to live in the desert at night.

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