"What can I say" Clary smirked and looked over at the brunette "I'm an actress" this alone made Elara roll her eyes playfully, she could see how much fun Clary was having with this and it made her slightly proud and alarmed with how much she was becoming a bad influence on her best friend.

"Sad face? really? " Simon grinned while Clary only chuckled "Elara is becoming a bad influence on you, but well played" he placed his fist out as clary placed hers against his for a fist bump. "Thank you for both of your statements, because Lara is a badass"

Elara grinned while Simon looked between them and sighed, he could handle having one Elara but the thought of another Elara in the making made him shiver slightly. he could only about manage to keep his twin out of trouble as it is.

The redhead turned her attention towards her sketchbook as she chuckled "You know what's weird, they kind of liked my assigned work, but they flipped out over our graphic novel." she gushed a she pushed the book closer towards them allowing Elara to run her finger tips over the drawings.

"Your welcome" Simon mused happily.

"This day will go down in history as the greatest 18th birthday I ever had" Clary exclaimed, her eyes sparkling as she reached over to steal a sip of Elara's coffee.

"Are you planning on turning 18 again one day?" Elara smirked as she snatched her coffee back and held it against her chest " Because I'm sure you only turn 18 once, clare"

Simon nudged Elara which made the brunette huff before Simon spoke "And that's why we are celebrating tonight"

A woman walked over with two coffee's in hand, placing them down in front of Simon and Clary who both smiled towards her. Elara was happy she had already arrived a few hours earlier than them, making the coffee she was holding her third round.

"Will Maureen be coming to celebrate with us?" Elara piped up, casting a glace towards her brother who nodded his head and took a sip of his coffee.

"Yes, Maureen will be coming, well after our show"

Clary leaned forward slightly "So, what's the deal with you and Maureen?" she questioned which made Elara cringe into her coffee cup since she knew of her brothers feelings towards the redhead which was a conversation the two had shared one night the both of them couldn't sleep. it was a long night and a deep conversation.

"What deal?" Simon chuckled "No deal, we just sing together"

"You seriously don't know she's been crushing on you this whole time?" Clary smirked.

"What? No. No." Simon only stammered.

"Simon, how can someone as smart and perceptive as you not realise that the person sitting right there is in love with you?" Stated Clary as she stared right into the boys eyes. that alone made Elara roll her eyes. There was one thing that annoyed her about the girl sitting in front of her and that was the mixed signals she always sent Simon's way.

"I guarantee you I'm not the only smart, perceptive person to make that mistake" Elara heard her brother say as she sighed quietly. Apart of her wanted to blurt out that he liked her or push their heads together to knock sense into them so she could start wedding planning. But she held back, not for herself but for the sanity of her brother whom she knew needed to tell her himself.

"I once knew a person like that" The brunette spoke up airily, ignoring the glare Simon sent her but instead looked towards Clary who held an intrigued looked within her eyes.


Elara smiled and shrugged "A girl who used to be in my English class, Millie Drake" she started to lie easily than she would've liked. "She's in love with her best friend who loves somebody else, it's quite sad actually because they'd be a cute couple"

Dead Of Night - Jace Wayland حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن