Episode 14 : ' Shake - up '

Start from the beginning

Javi " I trust you, you could never do such a thing " Izzy " Javi ..I understand but ..why would the rest of them lie ?" Javi " But why would Reine do such a thing ? ..fern explain it to her please " Fern " I can't really choose sides" Aiyon " I think our search is fulfilled..she is the one who has joined hands with lord zedd " Reine shouted " Enough " and then teleported away .

Javi " Have you guys lost it...why don't you believe her " Aiyon " I saw her she was the one who changed those meds which Ollie and Solon specially gave to Amelia...even Zayto was there with me " Zayto " I try not to believe it but ...I saw it with my eyes " Amelia " I believe in her too ..there must be something we can't see " Solon " Kids...Reine left without an oxygen mask " Javi " No..no.. where is she ? "

Solon traced her in the map " at planet spectre " Javi " Ok...please don't come behind me ..I am sure she doesn't want to see any of your faces " he teleported away

[ At spectre ]

Javi " Reine ..Reine .." he shouted

" I am sure she will be here " murming to himself as he saw the coordinates and then teleported. Then he saw her lying on the ground. She was trying to breathe in hypoxination .. " Reine..Reine " he ran towards her ..he held her , removed his orb and gave it to her .

" ...Ray ..Ray I told you ..I believed you "

She got better as she held the orb " I am sorry ,but why does nobody trust me ? ..am I not good enough " she said with tears in her eyes .

" You are more than enough ...you are perfect in your own way "

As they gazed into each other ..they got hit by a monster . "Myself mirage and I hope you didn't get hurt ranger .. because I want to enjoy killing you more .. deliberately"
and she shot another fire ball from her blaster but as it reached them someone stopped it ..it was the green morphin master . She ordered " take her and leave Javi "

He replied " sure " teleporting away with Reine.

Master green gave the green saber to fern and said to them " There is something you will find soon ...but first destroy this monster "

Fern " With pleasure " Amelia " What are we waiting for let's do it " Izzy " Hopefully you won't mind us destroying you ... enchantingly "

They got into the battle slashing, kicking , some tronics came too but it was not that hard for them but then the monster made a blue ball and it struck Izzy ...she wasn't destroyed nor injured but she was able to control what she was looking , she made her think that all of her friends are tronics "

Izzy tried to destroy them thinking they are tronics .

Aiyon " Izzy it's us your friends.."

Ollie " Izzy listen you can't do this "

Zayto " You have to escape out of it Izzy "

As all of them were busy with her trying to make her realise that they are her friends..Javi teleported in mid air and struck mirages ' blaster ..a blue liquid came out of it ...this helped Izzy get out of the mind control . As Fern helped Izzy get back normal she passed the green saber to Javi . He said " Now " and he struck mirage with the sword and the rest of them with their weapons .

He was destroyed..Javi " Woo ! Hoo ! one more down " Izzy " Yep ...and that one goes to my brother " Ollie " Do you feel better now ? " she replied " Yes! I do ...but I don't understand how she was able to control me " Fern picked up the remains of the blaster which was still functional , and collected some of the blue liquid. she asked " Can you check ..how did mirage use it " " Maybe " Ollie replied...as they teleported back to the spaceship.

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