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A/N: whoops im late! forgive me.

The guys were away for days, making me a bit lonely and bored. Nevertheless, I worked.

I was given the task of taking responsibility for the recruits, training them and drilling them in the ways of combat. I had taken this seriously and had been pushing them hard, making sure they were prepared for any situation.

I knew I could come across as harsh, but I felt it was necessary to make sure they had the skills and mindset to survive on future missions. My tough approach was my way of making sure I did everything in my power to see that they all made it home alive.

Despite the long hours spent training the recruits, I made sure to stay in touch with Soap, who regularly sent me reports on everyone's well-being. My responses were often short, as the exhaustion of training took its toll on me. I was determined to make sure the recruits were well-prepared, but the cost was my well-being.

I tried to keep my focus as I worked, but I couldn't help but notice one of the new guys constantly making flirty comments. His words were a constant distraction, and as he stood in front of me with a smile, I felt my anger begin to build up.

I tried to ignore him, but it was clear that he was trying to rattle me, and my temper was starting to get the best of me.

As he stood in front of me with his insufferable grin, I felt my anger spike as he asked me, "Do you have any plans tonight?" I clenched my jaw in frustration, trying to keep myself from responding in a way that would only give him more fuel.

I spoke with gritted teeth "Private..." I glanced at him expectantly.

"Smith," he responded coolly.

"Smith," I grinned maliciously, "Drop down and give me one fifty." His face faltered for a second, before giving me another dog shit grin.

"As you were!" I shouted to the other recruits, placing my arms behind my back, my hand resting on top of one another.

The other recruits continued to do their drills, their chests falling and rising in heavy breaths. As I watched them, I heard the sound of nails on a chalkboard. Also known as, Private Smith.

"So.." he grunted, his push-ups becoming slow. "When will you go out with me, Sarge?"

I felt myself grimace with disgust, my anger spiking at the sheer audacity.

"You're out of line, Private." My jaw was beginning to ache with how hard it was clenching. "Fix your form," I retorted, walking beside him to dig my foot into his side.

His arms were beginning to shake, and his exhaustion beginning to show. Smith continued to push through, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead. "We can.." he grunted, his breath growing heavy, "get to know each other."

I let out an exasperated sigh, placing my hands on my temples. "Private," I glared down at him.


I clenched my fists, my knuckles growing white. "Can you quit acting like a goddamn mutt that's in heat?" I spat, letting my anger out.

"What is it?" I crossed my arms against my chest. "Need to be neutered, Private?" My brows raised.

"Cause I have no goddamn problem grabbing a pair of scissors and chopping your two, tiny little sacks off!" I shouted, bending over slightly to yell in his face.


It was late, and I was exhausted from the day's training and drilling. My stomach growled with hunger, and I made my way over to the fridge, needing something to tide me over.

I opened the door, searching for something quick and easy. Spotting a bologna sandwich in the corner of the fridge, I reached out and pulled it out with a sigh of relief. It wasn't gourmet, but it would do the trick.

I gobbled down the bologna sandwich, scarfing it down so fast it was almost embarrassing. When I was finished, I tossed the plastic wrapper in the trash and made my way to my room, eager to lay my head down and rest. I was too exhausted to change out of my uniform, opting to stay and sleep in it. Gross, but whatever.

As soon as I hit the pillow, I felt myself drifting asleep. God, it feels so good sleeping after an exhausting day. I let out a sigh of relief, turning onto my back. As I drifted into a nice, long sleep, I found myself thinking of the guys.

I know Soap was keeping me updated with all of them, but I hope they weren't injured on these missions.

That was my final thought before I succumbed to exhaustion, my eyes fluttering shut.

As I tossed and turned in bed, loud knocks were being made on my door.

Groggily, I sat up in bed, trying to shake off the sleep that gripped me. I moved my feet to the floor and stood, each movement slow as I stumbled towards my door. As I reached it, I hesitated for a moment, wondering who could be knocking.

Who would dare to disrupt my much-needed sleep?

With a heavy sigh, I opened the door, ready to face whatever or whoever it was that required my attention.

I opened the door, my eyes widening slightly at the sight of Soap standing before me, a wide grin on his face. He looked excited as if he had some big news to share.

My curiosity was piqued, and I opened the door fully, welcoming him inside. I wondered what could have brought him to my door in the middle of the night, and what he could need.

"McTavish?" My voice was full of sleep and was a tad bit deeper.

Soap looked around the room, a slight amusement dancing across his face. When he turned back to me, he spoke with a smile, "Get ready. We're going drinking."

I was a bit taken aback, having just woken up from my deep slumber. I wasn't sure I was up for a night of heavy drinking, but I was curious to see where this would lead.


A/N: sorry for the delay!! also no König feature??? What the hell, aye. Next chapter! :)

My Königin | König x Fem Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن