2. It's crazy, It's drinking

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Not everyone has heard about that incident of Käärijä being drunk and hung over last night, but they also didn't know about his all nighter, he is still hung over.

The Next Day, 9:45 AM.

Iru, TuralTuranX, Noa, Mimicat and Monika are online.

Mimicat: Good morning everyone! How are you all?

Iru: I am doing well, why thank you for asking!

Monika: I feel the same way as Iru, and amazing for you to ask, thanks.

TuralTuranX: We both are fine, but we have a lot of notifications from last night.

Mimicat: Yeah... I wonder what really happened.

They all scroll up to see this conversation. As that happens, Hannah is now online.

Noa: ... You don't need to know!

Hannah: Well I exactly know, and it may as well get involved with the other hosts.
She pings Julia and Alesha, but no response...

Alessandra has come online

Alessandra: Hey guys! Whilst we wait for the other people, can you all tell me what song you guys are doing. My song is Queen of Kings.

Mimicat: Oh! I think I have listened to it before, it is really good. Top notch quality. Anyways, my song is Ai Coração

Noa: Yeah... my songs Unicorn!

At least an hour later, most of the people are chatting away.

Zarra: We should do a truth or dare!

They all reluctantly agreed, as La Zarra will begin.

Zarra: Hannah, truth or dare?

Hannah: I choose truth.

Sudden emojis pop, wondering if La Zarra will ever mention the notifications of last night.

Zarra: So... I heard notifications last night, so badly. Who were the people texting at that kind of time?

Everyone stopped typing... waiting for a response from Hannah.
She says with pride:

Hannah: The people who were involved are; Teya, Salena, Noa, Bojan, Alika, Brunette and Käärijä.. and you would not believe the things said.

Kris: 🤨, I knew this would probably be a bad idea because of this, and our times you know...

Käärijä has come online.

Nicolai: Speaking of the devil, here he is.

Dion: ...
Teya: ...
Salena: ...

Teya: Salena...we have been busted, let's go!

Salena: I agree.

Teya and Salena have gone offline.

Käärijä: Someoneee said name... who.. said?

Alika: Bye... did you even sleep... or no?

Hannah: 🤨
Julia: 🤨
Alesha: 🤨

Käärijä: Why courseee me did.. what else???

Alika: Get your ass into Direct Messages, now!

We all know... he is doomed..

In direct messages with Jere and Alika

Alika: Answer me honestly! Did you sleep or no!?
Did you?
Did you?

Käärijä has gone offline.

Alika: Best to go back...

Meanwhile, in the Groupchat.

Pasha: I participated in Eurovision, TWICE!

Iru: Yeah, well.. I won the Junior Eurovision and now participating in Eurovision!!

Marco: Well... you guys weren't competing against the winner, but here we are.

Loreen: Funny how you say that... 🧐

Alika's POV:
What the heck was going on, this is not a flexibility competition to see who will won Eurovision or who is coming back again.. after years. What did Hannah bring all of us into? And what is the point in this again?

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