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Chase jumped in his truck and turned it on while he waited for the garage door to open. He pulled out, and made the drive across Clermont to Jetts house to pick Jett and Kaylee up. He got there, and went inside and there was no lights on. He went upstairs into Jett's room and they were still asleep and they were flying to California in 45 minutes. He took a picture so he could make fun of them before turning the light on.

"Get up bozos."

He said and walked outta the room. Jett kissed her forehead before he grabbed his phone, seeing an Instagram notification.

@chasesexton: i went to pick up jett and kaylee to fly to cali but they forgot how to wake up

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@jettson18: hey mate I needed my beauty sleep so I can kick your ass on Saturday, and your sister's head is a nice pillow

@kayleesexton: sorry chase but thats your fault for picking the flight where we have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn 💅

Jett and Kaylee got ready quick and headed out to Chase's truck. They drove to the airport and got on the flight to California. 

***Race Day***

Chase, Jett and Kaylee were in an Uber on the way to Angel Stadium of Anaheim for A1. 

"Chase you gonna win?"

He nodded. The Uber pulled up to the stadium and they all got out and went back to the Honda semi. 

Chase and Jett went inside the semi to get their gear on, so she went to find Hunter who was by his bike. 

"What's up?"

She shrugged, and Hunter nodded. Some girl showed up on the outside of the tent and started full on screaming at Kaylee. She was pissed because Kaylee "stole" Jett from her.

"Oh please it's not like you had a shot at him anyway."

Hunter started cracking up and she turned towards him laughing. Then Jett came walking over. 

"Who didn't have a shot at who?"

"Your lunatic fan didn't have a shot at you."

He laughed and the girl started freaking out that Jett was out here. She put her head in his chest, 

"I'm sorry but I cannot with this girl."

Chase looked over from his bike,

"Jett get your fans under control."

Jett went over to her,

"Hey your crazy is showing you might wanna tuck it back in."

"The only thing I'm crazy about is you Jett." She told him with a seductive tone and Kaylee almost spit out the water she was drinking. That's when this lady who looked like she was 35 started trying to touch him.

"Ok lady thats enough."

She said and wrapped her arm around Jett's middle and pulled him back. 

"J your fans are so weird."

"Only some of them most of them are kinda normal."

He went and grabbed his helmet. "Ok love you." She kissed his cheek and he put his helmet on and hung his goggles on the bars. Hunter Jett and Chase rode to the stadium for free practice and she went with Chance Hymas to watch. Chance was trying to kill her as he kept drifting the team golf cart. They finally got there and she went and sat by Paige Craig. Lennon came over, and she picked her up and set her on her lap. They all got going, and she seen Jett do a couple unintentional front flips. 

Dating My Brother's Best Friend; Jett LawrenceWhere stories live. Discover now